Hot black sesame toast - the baker's lazy way

I don't use softened butter, I just use a baking machine, the whole process is super simple, it tastes great....


A delicious milk breakfast with zero failure rate

It's also one of my favorite liquid recipes, it's easy to operate, it doesn't usually take a lot of time, it's done a few times, then it's baked in the oven, and the next day it's a delicious breakfast....


65 degrees of crispy bread

I don't like butter, I use olive oil, eggs, milk, I don't use milk powder, the taste is too strong, I don't like it.


Black sesame toast

I feel like I have a holiday syndrome, and as soon as I get to the winter holidays, especially at the end of the year, I want to eat all kinds of nuts, what nuts, peanuts, pumpkins, watermelon, sunflower seeds, peaches, Hawaiian fruits, happy fruits, chestnuts, sesame seeds, black dates, cauliflower, etc. It just doesn't stop, it's like a hand growing in my stomach....


Dried bread

Since I bought the bread maker, my bread has been successful.The family no longer eats the bread they bought, and they often give it as a gift to their friends, which is a great achievement....


Caterpillar bread

Caterpillar bread..It looks like a caterpillar.The internal structure is soft and tasty.If you have children at home, you can cook for them, and they usually love it.The eyes of the caterpillar can be made from black rice or soy sauce.It's more like a bug!...


Soy sauce and sesame doughnuts

The doughnuts are the kids' favorite -- and the pancakes, the first time I made them, they tasted good, it took me half a day to try their patience!...


Flower bean sandwiches

A popular bread, soft and sweet with soy sauce, ordinary and unusual, but has always been a bestseller in bakeries.Maybe it's like that saying, "Plain and plain is the truth".Well, after the chicken soup, let's start making the bread below! ...


The pepper bread

I don't know what's going on... while Greg is making this bread, I'm always thinking about onion butter pie... haha, this morning's breakfast is it....


Butter rolls

Butter roll, a very elegant bread, almost every baker has made it, I love this square, this square I also used to make Christmas bread, it tastes very good. ...


Red bean sandwiches

Add the high-quality flour, low-quality flour, fine sugar, salt, milk powder, and eggs, and mix them evenly in the dough...


Black sesame seeds

It's a good day, starting with breakfast, black sesame packaged with black gallon filling....
