Red wine and walnuts

Red wine is not only a good coloring beverage, but it is also good to eat, mixed with aromatic red wine, added to various nuts, and made into a soft oatmeal, which tastes quite good. ...


Black sesame French ball



Milk and sesame bread

I've been lazy lately, I haven't made bread for a long time, in fact, it's good for those who are hungry, today I can't help it, I've started turning the oven, the scented bread is always the best choice for breakfast, with black sesame, it smells good. ...


A small meal with a crispy honey base

My little meal bag doesn't have any butter, it only uses a little bit of corn oil, the meal bag is not as fluffy as the one sold outside with additives, it's soft and messy. ...


A little bread with honey on the bottom

During the school year, this crisp honey-based bread is sold at the entrance of the campus, and it is particularly popular, first of all because the price is really low.Secondly, the sweet taste is also accepted by most people, and the crisp bottom is my favorite.When I first started baking, I wanted to make this crispy bread, but I didn't know where it came from.Occasionally seeing a square, I realized that the crispy bottom was the result of the action of sugar under high temperature.I'm going to share with you t...


Pumpkin braids are soft.

Eating pumpkins in autumn is the best, it dries up the autumn, replenishes the air, strengthens the immune system, this European bag adds black sesame, the nutrition is more comprehensive!...


Black walnuts and nuts

It's a very healthy bread, and it tastes good and it tastes good.I don't have a picture of the process, so let's see.The steps are the same as other breads, simple....


Onion bread rolls

When I was in college, I loved to eat meatballs, and every time I went to a cake shop, I would choose meatballs for breakfast the next day.Later, when I got tired of the cake, I found that the meatballs were also good, and gradually I liked the meatballs again.I bought another loaf of bread, and it went bad, and I haven't bought a loaf of bread since.I was afraid of the situation that I had encountered before, but that day I went to the cake shop and saw the meat loaf wrapped in a layer full of onions and meat loaf...


Peanut butter bread

Homemade peanut butter, fragrant and thick.Sometimes it's served on toast, sometimes it's served on steamed rolls, it's really nutritious and delicious!On the first day of making the cake, there was some leftover sweetened cream.You can't waste your life, you put it all in there.The amount is small, but very dense, so it can be counted as the amount of egg juice, and the fat content of the cream is not low, so the butter in the dough is only 12 grams. ...


It is also known as the "Black Sesame Soft" or "Demonco 60L".

I've got a big bottle of black sesame sauce, and I've made a chocolate smoothie before, and I can't stop it, so I'm going to make another black sesame smoothie, and I'm going to put a lot of sesame sauce in it, and I don't want it!...


Sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes

Wheat, commonly known as oil wheat, is a low-sugar, high-protein food.Its nutritional content is not only high, but also of good quality.But it has a hard texture and a bad taste, so it has not been popular for a long time.In modern times, its benefits have become known and it has become one of the most popular foods among modern people.The skin of buckwheat is the outermost layer of buckwheat and is a by-product of the processing of buckwheat flour.However, it contains more than 95% of the water-soluble fiber in b...


The peeled sesame bear

The peel, the outermost outer layer of wheat, contains a considerable amount of vitamin E and B vitamins, vitamin E is also called anti-infertility vitamin or fertility phenol.Vitamin E is associated with reproductive function, is a nutrient that prevents infertility and human cell aging, and can be anti-cancer. ...
