Small cakes with cocoa butter

Recently there has been no resistance to chocolate.There's a lot of jelly in the house, so let's make some jelly and cocoa cake today. ...


Afternoon tea - small cake

Preparation of materials
Separate the egg whites and yolks, add milk thistle oil and 20 g of white sugar to the yolk...


Steamed good food doesn't burn - steamed yogurt cake

Steamed cakes for studying babies taste soft, delicate, and smooth...


Yoghurt cake

The material is ready, the yogurt is forgotten.
Mix the oil and the egg yolk, and add the yogurt.
Oil and butter...


Yoghurt cake

All the materials are ready.
Separate the eggs, the protein bowl must be oil-free and water-free.
Add one-third ...


Yoghurt cake

Separate the egg yolks, add 45 grams of oil and stir evenly.
Add 200 ml of yogurt and stir evenly.
Sift through ...


Sweet potato cake

Prepare the necessary materials
Remove the kernel of the date and add 500 g of clear water to the small fire to boil...


Honey flower cake

The warmth of the spring sun, the warmth of the afternoon, the sweet, sweet taste of the cake, the experience, the feeling is quite good....


Electric rice cakes

I've always had a cake function in my kitchen, and I thought I'd try it out, so I made it with an eight-inch recipe, and that's the spirit of experimentation!...


The honeycomb cake

It's a cake that's softened by too much of a good thing, accompanied by rum-soaked California curry and cheese, fresh lemon and cauliflower honey melted together, and as the dough slowly paste in the oven, a relaxed wine aroma and fresh lemon flavor with eggs in the flour fill the real space.I'm sure this is what you want......


Simple microwave cakes

A lot of my friends commented that it didn't work out, so I'm going to say this: 1. you have to make sure that the protein is cooked. 2. don't rush to take it out after it's cooked, wait 30 seconds for it to come out. 3. I used a special microwave glass bowl.There's also the egg yolk, which is said to be mixed unevenly with small bumps, first mix the egg yolk, fix it, then set it down, then mix it again, the small bumps will melt....


Small cake

I didn't take many steps, but today I tried this recipe for the first time, separating the egg yolk, adding water, oil, ...
