Tiger leather cake rolls

Egg whites and egg yolks are separated.
Eight eggs are poured into a mixing bowl.
Add a transparent protective c...


Orange and lemon cake

Today is my birthday, although I'm not young, but I want to have a birthday, I'm not used to eating cakes bought outside, so today I'm going to make a birthday cake for myself! I don't like too messy cakes, so make a simple pure orange mousse cake, wish yourself a happy birthday!...


Sugar-free sponge cake

Egg yolk separated, 4 egg yolks in a waterless and oilless bowl.
Four eggs in a bowl, one whole egg.


Cake with crispy skin

I've always wanted to make a healthy cake for my baby, but there's always butter, and today I suddenly found a muffin cup at home, so I thought I'd make a small cake, and it's easy to eat.This little cake is very healthy, but it's also very simple, and it's short-lived, so it's not only good for children, but also for the elderly.It's delicious, it's crispy on the surface, it's soft on the inside, it's delicious!...


Peanut butter cake rolls

Peanuts, also known as sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., are one of the most common foods in our daily lives.It is rich in proteins, starches, fructose, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins, and many other minerals. It has a high nutritional value and is considered by nutritionists to be the most nutritionally balanced health food. It has many benefits such as anti-cancer, heart protection, prevention of pneumonia, diabetes, and weight loss.But it's so good, I've tried so many ways to cook it, but my baby doesn't l...


Hive coal ball cake

6mm mold 150 degrees up and down fire middle layer 30min...


Black rice and coal ball cake

Egg yolk separated into two containers
Egg yolk with two tablespoons of white sugar and sesame oil mixed evenly, pou...


The leopard cake roll

It was done last weekend, and the steak was already in the mirror, and to record the process, it's a very simple cake roll, or the cake is a little bit yellow, or he should be a cowboy..Now the tragedy has turned into a leopard..I don't like cream-filled cake rolls, so I used a cheese-filled cake roll in the middle for about 10 minutes....


Simian cheese cake

Also known as cheesecake.A product made by using the skin of a sponge cake pie as a base, pouring a processed cheese mixture on top, and decorating it after baking.Products include American cheese cakes, yogurt, cheese cakes, etc.Cheese cakes are slightly different from other types of cakes in terms of the process of making them and the taste. They are between cakes and desserts. The first time cheese cakes are made, they are very tasty, the entrance is polarized, and children love them....


Grapefruit honey cake

This is the cake I made for her when she went home for the summer.I haven't seen my balls in over a month, and I miss them very much.Always thinking about seeing the balls hold her tightly and then kiss her hard.When I go home to see the balls, I always want to do something with my own hands to express my feelings.I was in a hurry, so I chose this simple, but tasty honey cake.There are also some raisins in the house, thinking that the pills should be enjoyed, so we added some more raisins to the base of the honey c...


Onion and cinnamon rolls

The onion soup is perfect!...


Flower cakes - delicious and delicious

I like the smell of lilies, and I want to incorporate it into the cake. ...
