Cocoa butter and soft bread

The first time I tried soft European bread, I didn't expect it to be so successful.It tastes great! It tastes great! It tastes great!...


Whole wheat bread

Dry washing of grapes, pre-softened with clear water
Roast the walnuts and crush them.
Mix the high-quality flou...


Hot dog belly bread

Hot dogs are popular because of their agility.The bread can be made a day in advance, and the next morning it can be taken out with lettuce and sausage for breakfast. Isn't it convenient that you don't have to get up early to eat a nutritious breakfast?The amount of 5 hot dog molds used by the school cook. ...


New moon bread

Weighing material A in a bread pan
Weigh material B in another bread pan.
Pour water on the dry yeast in pot A a...


Sesame seeds

It's not just good to eat, it's also important to nourish the eyes, after all, it can stimulate everyone's appetite....


Sesame seeds

Many staple breads are very healthy and nutritious, even French breads that do not add whole wheat, rye, millet, dried berries and other grains, because they use high-strength flour, high protein content, and low-fat, low-sugar, are considered very good staples.For breakfast, it provides a variety of nutrients and energy, and is much healthier than breakfast staples such as toast, hamburgers, and the usual barbecue, and the more you chew, the more addictive it is. ...


Soup and cheese ham packages

I remember when I was a kid, my mom would make a small meal package in advance, and then in the morning, with cheese slices, ham, bacon, lettuce, tomato slices, cucumber, eggs, etc., it became our delicious breakfast.As a mother, it's not easy to take care of the food and nutrition of the whole family and take care of the household chores.Now we're going to make our own cheese packages, and with memories, we're going to make her own breakfast, and we're going to relive the taste of her childhood.Because the meal pa...


Hot dog belly rolls

I like to eat bread, but I've always been lazy, if I'm lazy, I can make good bread, that's my biggest pursuit, lately I've been baking bread, I've been baking bread, I've been baking bread, I've been baking bread.My son and my mother both like salty bread, and they're going to eat hot dog belly rolls, using your recipe, sausage instead of hot dog belly, black sesame instead of white sesame, and the finished product is soft and delicious!...


Sesame yogurt whole wheat pack

After washing, the sesame is steamed in a high-pressure pot for twenty minutes, then dried in the sun; repeat two or thr...


South Korea

My family is all lazy people's bread, at night it's good enough to make the next day's breakfast! For a while it seemed like this Korean stew was very popular near the restaurant, almost also called honey bread, it tastes very good, every time you buy a dish you bring a few, now come and see for yourself!...


Hot dogs

Put all the ingredients of the bread in the baking machine and knead it into a dough.
The fermentation is 2.5 times ...


Flower bean sandwiches

The summer holidays are coming, the admissions for the summer holidays are underway, and lately I've been busy with school things, and I don't have time to play my favorite baking game.I came home from work early today, and I made a special loaf of bread.There's a bag of soy sauce in the fridge. ...
