Flower rings in light cream

It's something that you feel is especially worthwhile when you taste what it brings to your taste, even though it takes time.I've added cream to the bread, it's softer, I've eaten two, I'm losing weight. ...



All materials are mixed in the bread maker until the expansion stage.
The first fermentation in the bread machine


Sweet cream purple bread

Bread doesn't always feel soft enough in winter.I opened a box of cream, but after I opened it, I was wondering what to do with the rest of the food....


Rose bread

It's not complete, many people ask how to do it, so organize it and share it, you should be able to see it.If you don't know where it's written, you can leave a message. ...


Ham and bread rolls

Most of what I used to make was tofu bread, and the kids said they were tired of it.This time I changed it to ham, which he loved to eat....


Flower toast breakfast

Pocket bag practice red radish, cucumber, sausage cutting, red radish and cucumber stew, if you like to eat raw, you can...


Bread from the Oven Trilogy

Simple, healthy, ordinary bread, and the beginning of M's endless toast journey....


Cabbage bread

This is a deliberate attack on her husband....


Sesame meat loaf

The sugar, the salt, the milk, the eggs come first.
Add high flour and yeast to start the bread maker and stir for 3...


Cocoa and sesame bread

Put all the ingredients except the sesame oil in the bread maker's barrel, start and knead.
After about 20 minutes, ...


Baked bread

First heat the milk slightly, take a little milk and put it in the yeast powder and white sugar mix evenly, leave the ye...


New food packages

The ingredient for the whole family, black sesame, was the last thing on my mind, so there's no whole family in it!
