Five small meals

The high-quality powder is brushed, added to the malt sugar, milk, salt and pepper, crushed corn oil, mixed evenly, and ...


Meat loaf rolls

This salty bread was seen at a friend's house and was a frequent choice of LG in the bakery, and after tasting it, LG concluded: "It tastes like the bakery".Have a good one!...


Tofu bread

Because she loves food so much, she has changed her habit of getting up late for many years, getting up early to make breakfast, most of her recipes are for breakfast, she hardly has time to make breakfast at noon, because of work relationships, Saturdays and Sundays are not like working mothers to be able to cook at home, if you want to cook, you need to change!...


Whole wheat black sesame seeds

A bag of high-quality flour in hand can make a lot of beautiful faces.This adds fruit and sour cucumber to the bread base, giving it a more diversified layer....


I'm not sure what to do.

This idea has been around for a long time, but it hasn't been done, so I started this project last night because I was bored.There's cake in the bread, I'm sure you've all heard of it, but there's cake in the bread, and there's soft, sticky cake in the cake, and no one should know about it....


Hot dog bread

Today I made hot dog bread for the first time, it tasted really good. The night before I woke up, I made a good dough, the next day I made a dough, I took a picture, I ate a piece, it tasted really good, so I recommend it to everyone....


Jacob grape rolls

This bread recipe comes from Taiwanese bread master Wang Zhenren, and the recipe varies according to your taste.The first thing I knew was that Jacob was the one who advertised the cake, but to be honest, it wasn't very tasty.It was only later that I learned that Yak is the spelling of the English word YOLK, which means egg yolk.So the biggest feature of this bread is that it's got a lot of egg yolk in it. ...


Black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds, salt, milk, and egg yolk
Then add the high flour, the fine sugar, the yeast and the dough.


Children's caterpillar bread

The caterpillar bread is one of the children's favorite breads, not only because of the shape, but also because the children seem to love to eat the cream stuffed in it.Because it's good to eat, you don't know when you're going to eat a loaf of bread.The caterpillar is not as complicated as you might think, just unravel the steps one by one.It's actually a very easy thing to do.Take a cold vacation and make a cute caterpillar for your child. ...


Mini hamburger bread

Mix the yeast and flour into a mixture of sugar, salt and milk.
Can be mixed with a blender
After mixing, transf...


Caterpillar sandwiches

The first time I made a loaf of bread, I found a few squares on the Internet, put them together, and it was a success....


Bread for breakfast

Put all the ingredients in the stirring bucket.
Mix into a dough with two layers, take out the stirring hook, cover ...
