Easy to make quick bread

The biggest benefit of instant bread is that it doesn't need to be fermented, it doesn't need to come out of the membrane, and it's one of the top choices for baking.I've been making bread six days a week, seven days a week, and it's almost crazy to say that I've been making bread six days a week.One day or two, the kids were eating them as snacks, and I fell in love with bread without knowing it.Not only do I love to make it, but I also love to eat it, and I even think that the bread in the bakery is better than t...


Black sesame seed toast

I bought two big bags of wheat flour for New Year's Eve, but the kids and my mom don't like to eat them, usually I eat alone, the other bag hasn't arrived yet, I'm afraid it's broken, so I make all kinds of pasta and add some to it, that is, to enrich the taste, and let the kids indirectly eat some coarse grain; this time I put a little, and also black sesame, it smells really good, you can eat a few pieces without jam, nutritious and delicious!...


Large bread

Bread made without soups tastes best when it is first baked, and after cooling, the skin gradually hardens and loses its original softness.It's also the most depressing place I make bread, so I can't make more every time.So is it really possible for bread made from soup to solve the problem of bread not being stored properly and to keep the taste moist for a few days? ...


Sesame nut bread

Prepare 20 grams of high-quality flour and 100 grams of water in a milk pan, heat and stir.
The fire can be extingui...


Black sesame flour bread

The high-strength flour, the yellow sugar, the salt, the flour, the milk, the water are all mixed (the sugar, the salt, ...


Iced bread

20 g of flour + 100 g of water
Open the fire and stir.
Heat and stir until the dough is marked and left on the f...


Milk and raisins

Last week I got my hands on a small oven, thought about finding a simple recipe for a small test knife, searched online for posts about small meal packages, prepared ingredients and did it myself, I didn't expect it to be a big success the first time, won the appreciation of the whole family, and also gave me a strong interest in baking!...


South Korean coconut bread

My parents didn't finish their sesame seeds, so they brought them to make bread. ...


A small loaf of bread

Simple bread making - fun and easy to make!...


Walnut rum cake

The steps are very simple and delicious cakes, with a strong aroma of rum, and walnuts also play a crucial role in it. ...


Thin meat bread

Carnivorous animals are essential...


Purple bread

I like purple potatoes, which are beautiful in color and are healthier than coarse grains.So there's always an innovative aspect, there's more black sesame in the house, so black sesame, white sesame will be more beautiful. ...
