Black sea salt and almond cookies

Preheat the oven to 190C.
The pan is coated with oil paper.
Mix flour and almond flour in a small bowl.
Mix ...


Margaret, please.

The butter is softened at room temperature. In the process of softening, cook two eggs, put them in a small sieve, crush...


The cookie.

I added my own mint ice cream. It's delicious....


Cranberry cookies

I made it for my son because there was nothing else added to the recipe.It feels good to eat fresh from the oven, the cranberries are soft, but if you leave them for a while, the cranberries become hard, and the taste is a little worse.But it's a taste of the people. ...


Nuts and seeds

First, open the box and take out the oven: the simple and stylish large oven in the corner of the kitchen is very harmon...


Milk cubes - pocket health biscuits

A crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp. ...


Margaret's cookies

Because of Margaret's name, I've always wanted to try this cookie, and after preparing the ingredients, I finally started working, looking at the yellow and yellow dough, a small round ball cracked a beautiful crack under the pressure of the thumb, with a special sense of achievement, a cookie with such a beautiful name can be so simple to such an extent, it's really zero base zero mistakes and absolutely intuitive, worth recommending to beginners!...


Okinawan black sugar and cardamom cookies

My wife, please hurry up. ...


Margaret, please.

The butter is softened and added to the white sugar 2-3 times. Stir evenly.
The cooked egg yolk is crushed and poure...


Cinnamon cocoa and almond raisins

If you think life is boring, then surprise yourself... the oven smells of warm cinnamon, please believe that you will have a good harvest....


Three-colored alabaster

One day I went to a cake shop and saw that they were selling popcorn, and I couldn't resist the temptation, so I went home and started making popcorn, and 200 grams of flour baked a bunch of cute popcorn, and I couldn't wait to take a picture, and the popcorn was all over my stomach.What you do is you feel good and healthy, you're surrounded by the delicious taste of Aladdin, you're more attracted to the appearance of Aladdin, it's simple and cute, you hold it in your hand and play while you eat, and life is infini...


Cranberry cookies

I've made it many times, and I can't stop eating it every time!...
