Soft packaging

The dry yeast is opened with warm water, set for a while, the other materials are weighed, mixed and poured into the dry...


A bag of thick milk and perfume

Using the post-oil method, all material A is mixed, kneaded into a thin-film extrudable dough, and placed in a warm plac...


Cavaillon cat biscuits

Japan's most popular forest animal biscuits! Cute shapes, cute faces, will definitely make you fall in love! Although it's a bit cumbersome to make, but the finished product is really enjoyable.Take a look at the production of the dragon cat....


Whole wheat flour digested biscuits

Powdered sugar mixed evenly with a spoonful of oil
Here's a mixed special
Finally, mix the milk and knead it int...


Italian crispy almond cookies

It's called Cantuccini, and it's one of my favorite biscuits, and it's sold in two flavors in the supermarket: chocolate or almond.I didn't expect to see a square and make it taste like the one they sell in the supermarket.Later, we took some baked biscuits to the Italian ice cream parlor where we used to go, and we also gave a taste to the guys we knew.He took the first bite for a few seconds and then asked again, uncertainly, "Did you make it yourself?" He nodded to me, and then he said very happily, "Wow, it tas...


The little lion is a two-color cookie.

Not remembering where he had seen the model before, and relying on vague memories to recreate it, a certain Hansen had to say that the expressions of the little lions were very similar to those of the recent hot Doge.I don't want to admit it, but if you look closely, it's a bit like that!It's nice to see that Doge's little lion biscuits taste so good, my little friends should love them too!...


Whole wheat blueberry corn cake

If you want to eat cake but you're afraid it's too high in calories, why don't you try this delicious, low-fat whole-wheat blueberry corn cake?...


Pumpkin pie

One of the most traditional desserts of Thanksgiving, how can you not do it?...
