Hot dog bread

Put 140 grams of high-fiber flour, 75 grams of water, 20 grams of refined sugar, 10 grams of egg juice, 1/4 teaspoon of ...


Bags of guts

The bread is ready the next night when the breakfast is especially good....


Onion ham bread rolls

Put all the dough materials except the butter in the stirring bowl, remembering to add the salt, sugar and milk powder f...


Corn salad pack

I love to eat bread in the morning, mainly bread can be made in all shapes and flavors, it's better than the monotonous soybean butter strips ~ if you're hungry for sweet you can try this savory bread oh, also add sausage corn salad sauce, taste good, healthier!...


Blueberry bread

Bread is one of the top choices for breakfast, love its softness, love the feeling of eating bread dough, put some blueberry jam on it, love its sweetness, love it and take it away...


Caterpillar meat loaf

Ever since I learned how to make my own pork chops, I've been thinking about how to make them like magic, how to get rid of them as fast as possible, how to taste them, how to eat them, and of course, how to look at them.Let the caterpillars that children love shine on the stage!...


Onion meat rolls

The meatloaf I made the other day was frozen in the fridge and I didn't finish it.In order not to waste, I made some meatloaf rolls, added onions and sesame seeds, and it tasted delicious!...


Nutritious breakfast - meatloaf, ham, and sausage rolls

All the materials
The dough is thin with a doughnut stick.
Toast, salad dressing, and meatballs
The ham is s...


Salad and beans

Today I'm thinking about the soft bread with a lot of salad dressing on the surface, so I made this salad dressing, the effect is quite great! Very soft bread, eat a bite of salad dressing is good, with a salty sweet taste, very good to eat, interested people try it! ...


Bacon and cheese bread

This is the first whole bread of the year of the sheep, the finished product is the same as my ideal, the top is beautiful, the organization is soft and soft, the bottom is baked just right, not thick or hard.The smell of bread with bacon and cheese is very thick, salty and sweet. ...


The taste of the match

There was a time when my child especially liked a sandwich with parsley, she liked a lot of vegetables with ham slices and a lot of sauce sandwiches, that time I went to parsley every Friday to eat a different sandwich, but the reports of various food safety issues made me dare to take it lightly, make my own sandwiches at home, you can put a lot of vegetables, a lot of tomato sauce and salad, a few slices of ham, clean hygiene, eat as much as you want, healthy nutrition. ...


Bread with meat

It's not enough to eat a fresh, soft bread with homemade meat loaf, combined with roasted spicy salad dressing!...
