Onion and cheese bread

All the main ingredients for making bread are mixed into a dough using the post-oil method, mixed to the extended stage ...


Meat loaf rolls

Put all the ingredients of the soup in a stainless steel bowl, stir evenly, then cook over low heat, stir while cooking,...


Bacon bread

Teacher Yang Meng has made almost 20 varieties of 100 kinds of bread, and as soon as he finds the materials, he will try them.Sometimes I go to the bakery to sneak around to see what's new, but I don't buy it.It's been a long time since I've had this bacon bread.I really wanted to do this that day, when the bread smelled in the oven, it was unbearable, especially the smell was very strong!...


Roasted sesame seeds

The post-oil method grinds the dough to the expansion stage, where it is heated to 2.5 times its size.
The dough is ...


Corn salad bread strips

The liquid raw materials are placed in a container, mixed, covered with a preservative film and left at room temperature...


Cheese bread

Put all the ingredients except the butter in the cookware, turn on the cookware's first stirring, and then it will autom...


Ham and cheese bread

When I got my hands on it, I kept flipping through it, and this one, which is the most attractive to my kid, he prefers cheese bread, and he says there's a treasure, and then he takes turns to make it, and it teaches me how to do it, and since the kid likes it, what's the reason I don't start? ...


Getting rid of bad additives - meatloaf ham sandwiches

The more dough is made, the more it tastes, the more it tastes, and the children eat a little bit.One day.The child said to me, "Mommy, the bread I make, although it doesn't have any bad additives or fragrances, it's too monotonous, it's better if it's a little hearty".One word woke me up, this bread is a reform according to the taste of the child, ha ha, super soft, and it tastes very good too.The children took it to school and shared it with their classmates, who didn't believe it was their classmates' mother, an...


Bags of guts

It's a delicious sausage with an onion flavor, a soft, salty flavor, and all you have to do is add a glass of milk to make your breakfast nutritious and delicious.Are you tempted by wood?...


Hot dogs

I like meatloaf, I like salad dressing, I like ham, so I like hot dogs, I like to challenge dough, I feel like I've succeeded....


Tuna salad bread - heart-shaped bread to keep you in a good mood

The recipe is from Professor Hu Jintao, and I've made a few changes because the materials are limited. ...


Red bean salad bread

The ingredients, excluding soy sauce and salad dressing, are packaged in a machine and kneaded into a smooth dough.
