Sushi cake rolls

Preparation of materials, separation of egg yolk and egg yolk.
Add 30 grams of white sugar to the egg yolk and stir ...


Turkey rolls

Prepare the necessary materials
Cut the toast on the side, then take a preservative film, put it on the preservative...


Cake rolls with meat

Now it's been a few days without making a little cake, it's a bit of an itchy rhythm, it's not rolled again, it's rolled twice, the second time it's a little better, the first time it's mainly the oven's heating that doesn't shine evenly on the bottom of the cake roll, it also makes me notice the difference between the paper and the paper, the small harvest is very happy!I think it's this multiple taste that makes the little guy fall in love with meatloaf again, give the kid a small snack, a piece for breakfast, it...


Cake rolls with meat

The soft cake slices are wrapped in meatloaf, the silk is crisp; the meatloaf is full of luxury, the meat is salty, and the cake is chewed with spices.I tried it for the first time, and it didn't take much effort, and the cake turned out to be soft and messy, and the edges were delicious!...


Japanese spring cakes

My sister-in-law came to Guangzhou from Guilin to play, and as soon as she walked in, she insisted that I make her a Japanese spring roll cake, saying that it was her favorite cake, a soft, soft cake, wrapped in purple on the outside, inside is cucumber, chicken, ham, the ingredients are simple, but the taste is endless, ha ha, I can hear the sweetness in my heart.Here, my cake is rolled with honey, so it's especially soft and sweet. ...


Bread with meat

Dissolve the yeast in half or 100 grams of warm water.
Mix the flour and sugar, then add water and scattered eggs......


A roll of meatballs

All the main ingredients before the bread maker starts and the process takes about forty minutes.
Or knead the bread...


Meatloaf ham bread - baked by my mother

The dough is fermented in a bread machine, the fermented dough is blown out of the air, kneaded into circles, and the do...


Meat and ham bread

It's a very popular bread with a mouth full of meat....


Turtle bread

It's been six or seven years since he started baking, and he's always been the first to try my baking, and sometimes he's with me, and he's shaping bread with me, and he's helping me make eggs, and his elementary school classmates have almost all eaten what he's brought to school, and they've heard his mother's praise, and he's got a little bit of fun in his heart.Of course, the most important thing to eat is the little boy who grew up with him, and every time he came to my house, he asked me to make him eggs and b...


Heide cheese bread

So, most of the bread I make at home is salty, but because it takes so long to make bread, I always miss the steps, or the bread comes out of the oven in the middle of the night, taking advantage of the joy of success, I ate two, the next day I got up early and didn't think to take a picture, so, the computer's draft box, full of bread with steps without a finished product diagram, or with a finished product diagram without a step diagram, now it's just hard to put it on hold!I've heard about this practice before, ...


The love of the flesh-eating tribe - bacon bread

This bread is a favorite of the meat-eating family, bacon, corn, peas, salad, cheese, rich in ingredients, not sweet, I like to see the recipe, it feels like pizza, I like it very much! ...
