Christmas flower cream cake

The atmosphere of Christmas is getting stronger.For adults, Christmas is just an excuse to eat an extra big meal or buy themselves an extra hearty item.But for little girls, it means a lot.Isn't a beautifully decorated cake with flowers a lot more eye-catching, and Santa's sugar daddy decorations make the Christmas spirit even stronger?...


The Gingerbread House

Every child has their own fairy-tale cabin in their heart, so when Christmas comes, build a gingerbread house and make your fairy-tale dreams come true!...


Fruit and cheese sandwiches

Christmas is coming, make a Christmas cake in advance; remember last year's Christmas was spent at home without making a cake, so this year I want to create an atmosphere.I didn't have a special Christmas before I got married, and I would go out if my friends asked me to; it's not like I'm more focused on Christmas now.In my hometown, Christmas is a public holiday, so I go out for a walk or stay at home, but since I got married, I've been focusing more on the holidays; and I also make something special for these ho...


Cups of dates

Watching TV series, the main character is eating dates cake, think about it, the mother-in-law also likes to eat it, you can just try it, I didn't expect it, it was very successful...


Cinnamon cheese cake

Today's cake tastes different from the previous ones, with an extra layer of gingerbread on the surface; and it's made with red sugar and walnuts as ingredients, it tastes special and the nuts smell good.This cake has a lot of ingredients and a lot of creativity. ...


Chocolate cake - a Christmas gift for children

The most desired Christmas for children is the gifts brought by Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, I bought this mold to make gifts for children, I searched for N recipes on the Internet, mostly with butter and bubble powder, after trying to use vegetable oil instead of butter, I gave up bubble powder to make a good effect, so share it with everyone, and also wish all the little babies in the family happy Christmas in advance!...


Chocolate cake

Duang, duang, the chocolate cake is ready, the wood is beautiful, and you can't wait to eat it.Speaking of which, before I did it, I tried another square without butter and bubble powder, but it didn't work; then I did this one again, but I still wanted to try without butter.I'm looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to it....


Microwave cakes

Put two normal-temperature eggs in a frying pan, and put 50 grams of ice cream powder, salt, and fresh lemon juice in th...


Cinnamon cake

It can be used to replace the cinnamon powder in the recipe with cocoa powder, tea powder, vanilla powder, etc....


Banana red sugar cake

Recently, I've been obsessed with baking, thinking about a leisurely afternoon with a piece of cake and a scented coffee, all the worries are gone, there's wood? Especially the family enjoys this private custom, full of happiness oh:)...


Blueberry peel cake

"Blueberry gingerbread cake Blueberry gingerbread is my favorite, after baking, the light purple juice penetrates into the cake, making a simple gingerbread, red sugar with coconut milk, between the lips and teeth, and the cake forms the perfect combination."...


Cappuccino cake

Chocolate, which seems to be the darling of the West Point, is an ordinary West Point, and with it, it instantly becomes delicious.What happens when coffee meets chocolate? A delicate and tempting coffee cake with a thick white chocolate cream on the surface that feels like a thick cappuccino cream on the surface.Cappuccino cake is named after it.With the wonderful combination of chocolate and coffee, and the sweetness of white chocolate cream, what reason is there not to look forward to it?...
