Lemon and yogurt cake

French Yogurt Cake (translated from Baking: From My Home To Yours) Note: The following size fits an 8X4 inch (1.5 pounds) toast mold, or a 9 inch cake mold, I used 2/3 of the size to make 2 mini toast molds (0.5 pounds each)...


Cranberry white chocolate cake

Scone is a traditional English snack.Its name comes from the place where the Scottish royal family was crowned, a stone with a long history and known as the Stone of Scone.This cranberry white chocolate shake, using sour cranberry combined with milk-scented white chocolate, is delicious and delicious.The specific formula is as follows:...


Traditional durian cheese cake

The first time I made a cheesecake was also the first time I published a recipe, this square was taken while reading a book in a bookstore, sorry I forgot the name of the book and the author, it looks like it was made by a Korean.It's very simple to make, and it's not easy to fail, and I've made a little change myself, and I've added durian powder to make it taste like durian, and if you're not used to it, you don't have to add it. ...


Red velvet cakes

It's been a long time since I've had red velvet cake.Today I made this red velvet cake with this special mold.Red is the color of red rice pudding.I didn't put too much, I just wanted the slightly red pollinated color, so I personally think this color is just right.The cake itself was already very sweet, so I used homemade raw yogurt to make the dough.At first glance, it looks like light cream, but it's refreshing to eat.The material in Figure 1 below is the entire main ingredient of the cake, but since the oven ca...


Yoghurt cake

With the arrival of summer, we can't avoid talking about weight loss, especially those who love to eat and are afraid of long meat, MMs, there's nothing wrong with weight loss desserts, you can dare to try this fat-free low-fat yogurt cake.It tastes a little wet compared to the thick version, it's not as thick, it's more like a sponge-like light cheese, and it's cheap, so it's very, very recommended....


Yoghurt and peanut butter cake

The basic ingredients of this cake are only eggs, flour, sugar and oil, which is actually a small sponge cake.To increase its nutritional value, I added a little bit of raw yogurt, mixed with some nuts, sesame seeds, etc.In operation, no additives are required as long as the whole egg is delivered in place and the chopping method is accurate.Since it doesn't have a lot of sugar and oil, it's a very healthy little cake. ...


Mango yogurt mousse

The child's aunt sent a big mango, especially sweet and juicy, but the husband was afraid of allergies and didn't dare to eat much, the baby in the family tasted a few bites and didn't eat!It's a very popular cake, it's 6 inches small, and the whole family can make it, huh!...


Dried yogurt

I think it's best to eat today's raisin yogurt because it tastes like yogurt and I like it, and I think it tastes so soft and delicate, so there's a reason to share it with you. ...


Red bean yogurt bread

In the bread machine, put the liquid part, the yogurt, the eggs (take a small spoon for the final brushing of the surfac...


Carrot yogurt meal packages

Continue the low-fat baking route.Carrot yogurt meal pack, with cooked carrot paste and yogurt, low sugar, low oil, nutritious and low fat. ...


Whole wheat hard soda walnut bread

A simple bread that sells ugly, hard-shelled bread.The advantage is that it's not only low in oil and low in sugar, but it also adds nutritionally healthy whole wheat flour, flaxseed oil, walnuts, and so on.This bread tastes different from ordinary bread, it belongs to hard bread, friends who like soft-tasting bread don't have to try it! ...


Pandoro's golden bread

Measure material A accurately and start slowly --> medium-speed kneading the dough.
It is mixed into a slightly smoo...
