Pumpkin toast with face yeast

The face fermentation method is a very old method, when making pasta leave a piece of good dough, let it ferment, the next time this dough is mixed with warm water and mixed into the new material, it can ferment, although the speed is slower, but the effect will be better than yeast flour.It is no exaggeration to say that Chinese food has been the essence of Chinese food for thousands of years. The people eat it as a matter of course, fermented food is nutritious, tastes soft and easy to be absorbed by the intestin...


Warm three-color bread

The warmth of the summer wind blows through my hair and through my ears! When I first saw this photo, it reminded me of this song.The warm sunlight makes you want to disguise yourself for this bread, lying idly in this stillness. ...


Cucumbers and biscuits

It's a very strange-looking fruit cookie, and the little friends will be delighted to see it....


Happy Squirrel Cookies through Childhood

It's a little strange, lately there's been a little bit of mysterious loss in my heart, why don't I bother? In the impression, beautiful women, always have a little bit of sadness, don't fall into the mold, like fairies... and I, but I've been soaking in flour all day, thinking about all kinds of baking things, it seems that there's a woman who doesn't have a heart, no lungs, no emotions....


Happy squirrel biscuits through childhood - the Shan family

After softening the raw dough with 1 tablespoon of butter, add the sugar powder to stir evenly, then add the light cream...


The bear cookie.

Isn't the teddy bear cookie cute? Then start making it with little Q. ...


The panda cookie

Isn't the teddy bear cookie cute? Then start making it with little Q. ...


Small two-color cookies

If the baby says the cranberry cookie is boring, then make another cookie!...
