A good recipe + a good arm = a successful hamburger embryo

I've been wanting to make a hamburger, but I've made a lot of unsuccessful breads, and I can't get it up or I can't get it up, and I can't even get it out of the oven, so this time I found a good recipe, plus a strong pair of arms, and I finally made my first successful bread!...


Chocolate dragon cat bread

It only takes 10 more minutes of thought to make a child feel the joy of a fairy tale world, a bite of beauty, and feel like a baby....


Honey and toast

Don't get too caught up in the square toast mold, it's too small, use a 450g rectangle to make a thick honey toast that smells like honey, make ice cream that smells like fresh fruit, and keep the summer heat away....


Chinese Hokkaido toast

Last time I did a direct Hokkaido, this time it's 100% Chinese Hokkaido.It's called 100% Chinese, and you can tell by looking at the recipe.Since there is no flour content in the main dough, the flour is all in the medium dough, so it is 100% medium dough.The square is a square that has been circulating on the Internet, and it's really useful.The dough is quite moist and soft, but it also guarantees the softness of the taste. ...


Coffee and biscuits

The coffee powder is placed in a clean small bowl, added a small amount of water, stirred evenly to form a thick coffee ...


Fresh milk cheese meal pack

Every time I sit in front of the oven and wait for the bread to be baked, I smell the sweet taste of the bread, like a girl waiting for someone to love her, I feel young and sweet, watching the bread swell, the color slowly turn golden, the feeling of happiness but fresh.Another year in the spring, the warm spring breeze is soft, the bright sun is warm, a piece of bread a cup of fruit tea, spring is good....
