How to make bread in a bread machine

350 grams of high-fiber flour, 48 grams of sugar, 4 grams of salt, 4 grams of dry yeast, 44 grams of milk, 112 grams of ...


Two slices of bread

Sweet potatoes
The purple potatoes are peeled separately, washed, cut into thin slices, steamed and ground into mud ...


Rose bread

Purple potatoes and carrot slices, steamed
Ground into purple potato paste and carrot paste
Take a bowl and pour...


Purple potato flower bread

Weigh all the ingredients well.
Adding ingredients other than butter to the bread maker.
Start a smoothing proce...


Recipes for all-purpose bread

It's about the flavor of the bread, you can add whatever you like.I'll add the crushed green beans, the yellow beans, the oatmeal, the raisins, and next time I'll add the peaches, the pears, the apples, whatever you can think of.It's all about controlling the amount of water, adding less water to wet fruits, adding normal water to dry things, and nothing else....


Purple bread and potatoes

Purple sweet potatoes, also known as black sweet potatoes, have a purple to dark purple flesh.In addition to the nutritional content of ordinary sweet potatoes, it is rich in trace elements and anthocyanins.Purple potatoes are rich in nutrients and have special health functions. They contain about 20% protein, including 18 amino acids that are easily digested and absorbed by the human body, including 8 vitamins such as vitamin C, B, and A, and more than 10 mineral elements such as phosphorus, iron, and so on.It has...


A meal pack of sweet potatoes

Purple potatoes, also known as black potatoes, have a purple to dark purple flesh.In addition to the nutritional content of ordinary sweet potatoes, it is rich in trace elements and anthocyanins.It has been described as the seventh most essential nutrient after water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.It is the most direct, effective, and safe free radical remover for the protection of human health, and its ability to remove free radicals is 20 times that of vitamin C and 50 times that of vitamin ...


Qiqi & unleavened red sugar purple bread

All materials are ready.
Heat the milk and pour the yeast into it.
Pour everything except the purple potatoes in...


Blueberry, walnut, and purple bread

Emma, the name is too long....


Purple potatoes and walnuts

It's crispy on the outside, tough on the inside, and it's great for breakfast, salad and soup!...


Handmade bread

I'm sure a lot of moms are worried about what they're going to cook for their kids for breakfast or dessert, and they're a hundred times more worried about what's out there, and they always want to save the healthiest for their babies.I've seen a lot of recipes, but there's no one that's right for a one-year-old baby and a one-year-old lazy mom, and after many tries, I've decided to share this improved recipe with you.First of all, the bread machine, any brand is good as long as it has the same function (as long as...


Purple oatmeal bread pudding

There are many varieties of bread pudding, but adding purple potatoes and oats not only adds nutrition, but also makes the bread pudding taste richer, and it's worth trying for children....
