Two-tone black sesame ice cream mooncakes

Put glutinous rice flour, glutinous rice flour, clarified flour, and corn oil in a container, add milk and fine sugar.


Purple cake

I was going to use the purple potatoes in the soup, but I didn't finish eating them, so I gave up.How to solve these purple potatoes in one go and make a good cake.There's no oven, so you can make something that doesn't need to be baked. ...


Purple protein cake

The remaining protein and purple potatoes can't be wasted....


Cake for my dog girlfriend's fourth birthday

I have two dogs, a six-year-old son and a four-year-old daughter.They are like pets to me, like family.Three years ago, my dog went blind in his left eye, and then I lost two other puppies.Suddenly, they'll leave me at any moment.In order not to have any regrets, I started doing everything I could to be nice to them.I started baking my own cake this year, and I decided to make my own cake for my four-year-old daughter, who is still like a baby dog. ...


A small purple potato pie

A while ago, I suddenly remembered the top top cake I ate when I was a kid, at Christmas, I made a strawberry cake to solve a craving, when I ground a lot of rice flour, this time I made a purple potato cake, a combination of thick purple potato flavor and rice scent.The rice flour is ground by itself and some of the steamed rice flour is added to make it softer and more palatable, as well as the light rice flavor.Pearl rice from the northeast is the best choice, it's a little more spicy than long striped rice.Last...


Purple cake rolls

Cake counting is one of the entry levels, it's easy to succeed the first time! If you want to start baking, you can try, you can definitely decide to continue baking!O( ⁇ _ ⁇ )O cake rolls are not only good to make, they look good, and they take very little time to make!It's our favorite at home, but we eat too much of it, and we're afraid of getting fat, so we change it occasionally, and this time it's purple potatoes, healthy, good to see!It has a preventive and therapeutic effect on many diseases and is known as...


Cake with purple potatoes

Purple potatoes are rich in proteins, starches, fructose, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins, and many minerals, as well as rich in trace elements and anthocyanins.Purple potatoes are rich in nutrients and have special health functions, and their protein amino acids are very easily digested and absorbed by the human body.It is rich in vitamin A, which improves vision and mucous epithelial cells of the skin, vitamin C, which normalizes the synthesis of collagen proteins, prevents the occurrence of thrombosis, and chlo...


Purple mountain rolls

Since I learned to make cake rolls, I don't have to look for any more reasons to make cream cakes.What do you want to eat, whipped cream, cheese, chocolate, coffee, strawberries, mangoes?....Of course there are purple potatoes!...


Purple sweet potato cake rolls

Purple potatoes are rich in anthocyanins, which can effectively eliminate free radicals in the body and enhance immunity, and purple potatoes are brightly colored, made into fillings wrapped in cake rolls, and are also extremely beautiful.This cake roll is a little thin because it uses only three eggs, and my grill is 28x35 in size, and the cake slices are a little thin, and the purple potato filling is a little round because the rolls are a little round.But it tastes better.It is not advisable to make the protein ...


Purple potato mousse cake

I've always loved the taste of purple potatoes, and the first time I made a mousse cake, I still chose it, with its delicate flavor and light aroma. ...


Purple bread

It's been a long time since I've had dessert. This bread looks good. It tastes good....


Soup and four-leaf clover bread

Reference to Ren Randi's square...
