Gingerbread rolls

A sweet bread, purple potatoes for the filling, spices on the surface, making it unpalatable and impossible to eat. ...


Sweet potato bread

Purple potatoes are rich in selenium and phthalates, which are very beneficial to the human body by removing excess free radicals from the body.And the color looks particularly appetizing. ...


Purple fried chicken

I'm curious to see how the pale purple color appears in the bread.This time the flour is also specially made for bread, high starch flour, only using ordinary squares, the packaging is super soft, my parents love it.The feeling of happiness, the feeling of accomplishment.Although my husband and I only ate three.Because it wasn't done on weekends, and I wasn't at home during the day, I used a thrifty method, and the fermentation time took a little longer: raw flour in the morning, in the kitchen without heating (nor...


Purple bread

After making a whole wheat bread, it is not less exciting to choose another French bread in the instructions, add purple potatoes in it, improve the flavor of the bread, while also improving the nutrition, soft and soft, both visual and taste, is good? ...


Purple bread rolls

It's good to make a habit of making white rice and occasionally making bread rolls to eat. ...


Sweet potatoes

It's a very tasty Chinese snack, and the crispy pancakes are crispy on a bite.In the Western style, there are also pastries of the ghee type, but the materials used are different; in the Western style, butter is often used to wrap the ghee, while in the Chinese style, pork fat is generally used as the material of the ghee.If you don't want to go too far in the preparation process, you can wrap it directly in the purple mashed potatoes and then squeeze it tightly, and you can put it in the oven and bake it.In fact, ...


A meal pack of sweet potatoes

Purple potatoes, also known as black potatoes, have a purple to dark purple flesh.In addition to the nutritional content of ordinary sweet potatoes, it is rich in trace elements and anthocyanins.It has been described as the seventh most essential nutrient after water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.It is the most direct, effective, and safe free radical remover for the protection of human health, and its ability to remove free radicals is 20 times that of vitamin C and 50 times that of vitamin ...


Hot purple bread rolls

It is preferred to make bread or toast by boiling, even if the bread is still soft and tasty after a day or two.Purple potatoes can also be substituted for soy sauce. ...


Purple coconut sauce

I forgot to take a picture.
1. Mix the seeds with white sugar, clarified water, and eggs until fully dissolved.


Happiness is like a flower - purple sweet potato

I remember last year, for the first time in 30 years, I made a coconut mouthwash that was very successful, and my family loved it.This year is no exception and we continue to make a few more snacks as a small snack for the holidays.Hopefully, the beautifully blooming cherry blossoms will bring happiness to your family and friends, and happiness will be like flowers in the years to come. ...


Salad and mashed potatoes

Known as the anti-cancer king, the purple potato is not only effective against fatigue, anti-aging, blood replenishment, etc., but also has an addictive appearance.To be honest, I like purple potatoes, first of all for their color, purple, the noble mysterious color, a little melancholy color, the color that makes you forget.I've been wanting to make this purple potato soup for a long time, and I've finally done it, and when I'm making the pie, I've chosen to use a sweet-tasting salad dressing, which tastes really ...


Simple purple potato cake rolls - how to make the perfect roll

In the past, white sugar was used to make cakes that needed to be baked, but later it was discovered that yellow sugar could also be used to make proteins, which were as delicate and soft as baked cakes.And I also recommend yellow sugar, which is not only much more nutritious and micronutrient-rich than white sugar, but also has a very unique sweetness.This time it's golden sugar, which is also more readily available in the country.Eggs with a shell of about 60 g each; grilled plate: three-dimensional 28 x 28 cm go...
