Pumpkin bread

Pumpkin bread, the color is very high! Nutritious, the color is attractive, so that people do not dare to eat it. ...


Purple and pumpkin toast

The baker's own measuring cup
Prepare 3/4 cup of pumpkin paste and 2 cups of bread flour
2 tablespoons of vegeta...


Meat loaf rolls

The first time I did it, it didn't work, the flour didn't work, it was a little roasted and dried, the meat roll changed the meat roll.This time it's not for nothing.But there's no end to learning, the next time you do it, you'll have to learn from the flying cat, even the meat pine is self-controlled, cowboy!...


Pumpkin and purple toast

This toast is perfect for breakfast.The color is very eye-catching.It must be very popular with the kids.It's a big toast made with pumpkins, it's beautiful in color, and it tastes very good!After baking, the spiral-shaped purple potato filling is visible on the face.Not only beautiful, but delicious and nutritious. ...


Red bean pumpkin bread for a nutritious breakfast that is easy to make at home

Red beans are boiled in water a day in advance, cooked in a high-pressure pot, made into a bean paste in a cooking machi...


Hard-boiled pumpkin biscuits in the autumn

This is supposed to be the low-card, low-interest cookie.I'm a tough guy, as long as my teeth are good, or I'm a tough guy better. Who wants to know more?.. ...


Nuts and pumpkins

Look at the quality of the walnuts.
Preparing the necessary materials
Walnut shredded spare
All the material...


Colorful tofu fan bags

Yesterday I didn't bring my lunch, so I went to a nearby restaurant and bought two bags of beans, one for two dollars, two fillings, one with radish silk and one with eggplant, and after eating the two bags, I felt very worthless, I felt like returning to the old society, there was no meat in the bag, no oil and no water.The only harvest is the desire of my baggage.In the morning, I sent my son back to the vegetable market to buy 10 dollars' worth of peanut butter, 2 dollars' worth of tofu, radishes made at home, a...
