Fingers crossed

The important part of the tiramisu is the finger biscuits and the cheese, which I tried to make today, and it wasn't very good! I wanted to try the tiramisu, but I was defeated by the shape of my finger biscuits!...


Protein silk balls

Today's cookie, which seems to be the most basic and basic in baking, is called Zero Failure.The square comes from you, but when you see the recipe, you'll be a little suspicious that the recipe for this cookie is without oil.When I made it, my heart was pounding, "Isn't it a biscuit?" "Isn't it crispy?" "Did he forget to write it?"I'd like to make my own claim to add butter to the flour, but I've been smoking it for half a day or so, I feel that it shouldn't be very good to rub the flour, the flour is only 20 gram...


Coconut milk balls

All materials are ready.
Protein and white sugar frozen dry
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
Milk powder and ...


Tea protein cream cookies

The protein is sweetened three times, and the tea powder is added.
The mixture is even, the color is not green enoug...


Fingers crossed

Why is it called "finger cookie 2?" Please click on "finger cookie 1", you can tell the difference by comparing it.When do you need to use 2 finger biscuits? When your finger biscuits are used to make tiramisu, and you like to eat them directly as snacks (this recipe tastes thicker and tastes better directly) when you make something else with more egg yolk without landing (this recipe uses more egg yolk) when you want to double the recipe to make more finger biscuits (when made in large quantities, the mixing metho...


Fingers crossed

In baking basic snacks, finger biscuits have always been a relatively special presence, although called biscuits, but because they are very soft, the taste is more like a sponge cake, so in many cases they are not made as biscuits but exist on their own, and more are made as cream mousse-like cakes. The most common and most classic combination is tiramisu, there are also more fancy combinations such as Charlotte and finger cake rolls.In fact, I think it's also a good idea to make finger biscuits as separate biscuit...


Fingers crossed

Separate the egg yolk and protein and put them in two separate bowls.
When the protein is stirred, add 1/3 of the su...


Fingered biscuits

There are only enough materials for two people and twice as much food....


Egg and sesame cake

Prepare the ingredients, soften the butter at room temperature, mix the sugar powder evenly with the egg beater, do not ...


Protein and lemonade

The word pie officially appears in the Oxford Dictionary as early as the 14th century.The earliest pies were used as containers, in which food stuffing was placed, and the outer skin was not eaten.Today, there is a wide variety of fillings, and the fillings vary from country to country.For example, in countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, fillings such as a combination of minced meat, mushrooms, and cheese are more popular; while in the United States, meat is also filled with various veg...


Protein shellfish

Every time I make an eggnog, I have two proteins left, sometimes I make an angel cake, today I make a protein cake, it tastes good, it's crispy. ...


Protein cookies

Have all the materials ready.
Pour the oil into the bowl and mix with the sugar powder.
Add protein, (add three ...
