Thousands of levels

I especially like to eat thousand layers, I always go to restaurants to eat very expensive, I don't think there are enough portions of fast food thousand layers, so I learned it with an Italian friend, I didn't think it was so simple, I can also make one that I can eat according to my preferences....


Fresh meat loaf

There's a lot of fresh meat on the market, but there's not a lot of fresh meat bread, but because the family loves to eat, what can't they change their own mashed potatoes?...


Black pepper filled bread

Prepare all the materials.
After the oil method, the dough material is mixed and kneaded to the expansion stage, the...


Green bean paste distilled

Green bean paste is rich in nutrients and contains many vitamins and minerals, while the many sugars in green bean paste have the effect of lowering blood lipids.The active ingredients in green bean paste can act as an anti-allergic, and it can also have a good healing effect on diseases such as measles.Green bean paste is a thermally detoxifying food, it has a suppressive effect on certain bacteria, in summer you can eat more green bean paste, cooling with heat promotes absorption.Eat some coarse grains properly f...


Cabbage boxes

Eggs scattered, fried, shoveled into small pieces; tofu dried, chopped; leeks washed, chopped; powder cooked, dried, and...


Roasted chicken

Preparation of materials
The meat is seasoned with a suitable amount of salt and pepper, and the chicken is seasoned...


The meat is stuffed with water.

After washing the radishes, rub them into silk, then salt them for 10 minutes and a lot of water will come out.
