Colorful fruit pizzas

Looking back at the season of pineapple sales, I like fruit pizza made with pineapple, it has a special aroma, making fruit pizza is very casual, just choose your favorite fruit.Today I added a little cinnamon powder to it, it smells a little unacceptable cinnamon powder, I didn't think to add it to the fruit like this, today's pizza is satisfied! Due to the time relationship, the pie was cooked 7, 8 minutes in advance, the pie was also cooked in advance, it was very convenient to put the pie directly on the pie sk...


Fruit salad

The same portion, if it can be combined with different types of fruit, is richer in nutrients and better absorbed than eating a single fruit.Therefore, making fruit salads is a great way to get people to eat more fruit.Fruit salads are low in fat, low in calories, but rich in vitamins and fructose, and have a feeling of fullness after eating, and are known as a great weight loss product. ...


Cabbage and fruit salad

The fruit contains vitamins and fructose, and is the only single plant that can meet the basic nutritional needs of the human body.She is known as the mother of food and the king of vegetarianism. ...


Orange and fruit salad

