Peanut butter

Peanut oil is high in fat, eating a few pieces while watching TV can replenish energy, and it tastes great, eating a bite, full of peanut flavor. ...


Peanut butter biscuits and cocoa butter

Peanut butter biscuits, good to eat, and do not crack, do not break easily, and are delicious.Peanut butter is available in general supermarkets, in the form of granules or juices, depending on your preference.It is recommended to choose a granular type, containing peanut crumbs, which make the biscuits taste better. ...


Milk chocolate and nuts cookies

I can't eat all the candy I've eaten in the past year, so I make cookies out of chocolate....


Peanut butter cake

Prepare all ingredients, butter and homemade peanut butter to soften at room temperature in advance.
After spreading...


Almond butter and cookies

The teacher's nut butter cookie.When the almond flour is gone, I use low flour, and the nuts are just big almonds, and they smell good, but for my own taste, I can actually reduce the sugar a little bit....


Roman shield

There's no way to reduce the sugar, because his characteristic is the effect of the middle malt sugar. ...


Peanut cookies

If you're tired of eating sweet biscuits, you can try this one. ...


Nut butter cookies

Following your teacher's nuts cookie, I use peanut butter and walnuts so it tastes great, peanut butter is a fermented butter, it tastes strong, it tastes unique, it has a little bit of acidity, it makes the cookie taste better. ...


Tea and cranberry cookies

Following your teacher's recipe for making biscuits, I've been making cranberry biscuits, I haven't tried the tea-flavored cranberry biscuits yet. Today, according to your teacher's recipe for nut butter biscuits, the nuts were replaced with cranberry dried biscuits, and the tea-flavored cranberry biscuits tasted very good, very spicy. ...


Peanut butter and cookies

This biscuit is easy to make and smells like peanut butter all the way through, making it a truly simple to bake biscuit.It's like the mud that we used to play with when we were kids, there's no expansion stage, there's no complete stage, there's no consideration of fermentation, there's no consideration of starting.Not only that, but the design is very simple....


Peanut butter and cream

Materials: low-fat flour 202 grams of starch 1 packet of starch granular peanut butter 3 tablespoons of starch eggs 1 ta...


Peanut butter and cookies

This peanut butter pie is based on my original recipe by adding roasted peanut butter instead of peanut oil, so the peanut flavor is super thick, slightly salty, and doesn't feel too sweet.Don't make the biscuits too big, it's better to eat them one by one. ...
