Traditional cakes and biscuits

The taste of childhood, the food on the tip of the tongue... ...


Egg whites

This small cookie is simple to use, easy to operate, is a great casual snack, spicy, sweet and crispy, contains a strong egg yolk aroma, and is delicious!...


Cartoon cookies

Large collection of raw materials
Soften the butter, add fine sugar (incremental addition), stir evenly.
Add 15 ...


Beginner cranberry cookies

Softening of butter slices
In the softened butter, I add powdered sugar, which I use to powder the icing.
Boil t...


Egg whites

Three eggs and a whole egg first, then the chopsticks.
15 grams of sugar at a time?
The second time with sugar, ...


Cranberry cookies

Children are the happiest angels in heaven, and every parent wants their child to eat the most natural and harmless food, and butter cranberry cookies are the most unadditive dessert....


Egg whites

The taste of childhood...


Egg whites

Seeing this egg yolk cookie online reminds me of something I used to eat when I was a kid. It's like a snack called a long life cake, yellow on the surface, and it's delicious to eat.Seeing that the production process is not very complicated, I immediately imitated it, only because there are no flower bags, so the paste is squeezed out in different shapes and sizes, the sales photo is not very good, but it brings back the taste of childhood memories. ...


Butter and crackers

There are some problems with food safety and hygiene outside.For a foodie, you often have to buy food, and after eating it, you have all sorts of regrets... afraid of too much sugar, too sweet, afraid of being unhealthy.So I decided to make my own simple biscuits that will make you hungry at any time!...


Butter-free biscuits - easy to make and delicious golden coconut biscuits

Not only is the price of butter very high, but the general amount of butter in biscuits is more than 50% or more, eating too much high-fat snacks is not good for health, so there has always been an idea that you can make delicious biscuits without butter, searching the Internet and finding that your protein coconut is made without butter, on the basis of its squares I made experimental improvements, the biscuits are really delicious, LG says while eating that they are delicious.It's also very good, but I think it's...


Egg whites

In my childhood, in those years of material poverty, biscuit cans were dedicated to visiting relatives and friends to see the sick.Guests bring snacks wrapped in cardboard and paper rope, plus two cans of glass bottles.The canned ones are mostly oranges, but the oranges and peaches are rare.A popular snack in the north is called "sandwich cake", which is made from eggs, white sugar, and flour, stacked together and wrapped in cowhide paper.If there are children in the house, buy some egg yolk biscuits, round biscuit...


Cranberry cookies

Baking entry-level cookies is easy to learn....
