Small bread with intestines

The post-oil method uses a bread machine and extends to the shape, adding butter and a dough process.
It is fermente...


Milk and coconut bread

Take 250 grams of high-fiber flour, 3 grams of table salt, 20 grams of milk powder, 4 grams of yeast, 40 grams of white ...


The cake.

I used to walk through the mall and see a lot of cute little cakes, I couldn't resist buying them, I couldn't use them a few times, the so-called new mudhut, the three-day incense, lay quietly in the drawer for a long time.Recently, I've been playing with baking again, I've learned about Teacher Yang Meng's afternoon tea, I've tried some of her snacks, it's very good, this time I've used her recipe to make my own, and this time I've used my own recipe. ...


Essential Christmas decorations that can be eaten - Christmas wreaths

We always say that life needs a sense of ritual, so don't forget to celebrate whatever is associated with the festival.The form doesn't have to be complicated, even if it's just a good meal, I'm afraid it will bring a different mood.Christmas abroad is like Chinese New Year, there's a lot of atmosphere, so with its beautiful metaphor, every Christmas I make some spectacular food.Let's have flowers this year.It is filled with dried flower rings, with more butter than usual, and has an extra flavor.And not only can y...


Tea bean sandwiches and rolls

High-fiber flour with a mixture of tea powder, yeast powder, and white sugar
Step 1 Add warm water and mix the egg y...


You can make your own cheese bread.

Place the bread ingredients in the box one by one, the last one is the fermentation powder, start with the interface 4 a...


Children's caterpillar bread

The caterpillar bread is one of the children's favorite breads, not only because of the shape, but also because the children seem to love to eat the cream stuffed in it.Because it's good to eat, you don't know when you're going to eat a loaf of bread.The caterpillar is not as complicated as you might think, just unravel the steps one by one.It's actually a very easy thing to do.Take a cold vacation and make a cute caterpillar for your child. ...


Low-calorie whole wheat bread with walnuts, raisins, and oats

Recently, I watched BBC Paul teach me how to make bread, how to plant grass, how to ferment super-loved dough....


Taiwanese bread champion Lin Yuqiang's Uyghur meal package

Yoghurt, which is our common yogurt, is a Taiwanese dish, learned from the Taiwanese bread champion baker Lin Yuqiu.There are many benefits of drinking yogurt, it can strengthen the immune system of the human body, let us be energetic and have unlimited energy. When I ate it for the first time in class, the soft and not too sweet taste conquered me, especially the unique filling, the mascarpone combined with orange wine, the combined taste is very special, then I thought that my family likes people who like soft sw...


Clean and Healthy Whole Wheat Toast

All materials except butter, ground into the expansion stage.
After adding the butter and stirring, the whole wheat ...


Potato-free bread

The bread made with potato paste has been on my to-do list for a long time, and it's been a long time, and it's been a long time, and it's been a long time, and it's been a long time, and it's been a long time, and it's been a long time, and it's been a long time, and it's been a long time, and it's been a long time.Reference dosage for this formula: 6 capsules ...


It's good to eat - little giant egg bread.

I'm sure you've all seen or eaten the attractive-looking, sweet-tasting giant egg bread in the bakery.I've never forgotten it since I've seen it, and I've always wanted to make one myself.I recently tried it, because I'm breaking the dough into small pieces for baking, so I call myself a little giant egg.Referring to the recipe of the master of freedom, according to his preference, he added grapes that had been soaked in rum for a night, adding a layer of light wine aroma to the original flavor, making the flavor m...
