Quick yogurt cakes

Prepare a small bowl and boil the eggs.
Add a spoonful of flour and continue stirring.
Add one tablespoon of mil...


Light and light cheese cake

Two six-inch sizes...


Cream and butter bubbles

Legend has it that the bread fell in love with the cream, and the cream fell in love with the cake, and the bread fell in love with the cream, and the cream fell in love with the cream, and the cream fell in love with the cake.Buffet, which originated in France, is a magical dessert, and there's a touching story here, of course it's love! ...


Meat sauce and pasta

Preparation materials, cutting spare parts
Gingerbread and raw cheese in the dough.
The pot is fried in oil, the...


It's not like I don't know what I'm doing.

Women love beauty, as everyone knows! Beauty is also beauty's nature, beauty's health! So I'd rather be able to achieve healthy beauty through a reasonable diet.The climate is pleasantly cool, and in early summer the flower stems and tender leaves are edible, can be eaten raw, can be cooked, or can be eaten in soup.The nutritional value of bitter melon is high, it is a culinary delicacy that is heated to the fire; Chinese medicine believes that bitter melon has a bitter taste, it enters the heart, spleen, stomach, ...


Scottish eggs

Scotch Eggs, a meaningful ball; said to have been invented in 1738 by the three-hundred-year-old British department store Fortnum & Mason, is a hanging made from freshly squeezed sausage meat, with a boiled egg wrapped in the middle, made into a circle, and powdered food wrapped on top.I've loved this dish for a long time, but I don't want to eat more fried pills; so I tried to make a modified version for the first time on the weekend: Scottish eggs; we don't have bread crumbs at home, we replace it with wheat flou...


Almond salad with chickpeas

The wheat flour is washed and then soaked.
The fish is thawed at room temperature and cut into small pieces (prefera...


Angel of the Sands

Use fresh salted duck eggs to remove the yolk and wash the surface proteins.
Add a small amount of rice wine and sim...


Salad and fried fish

1 cm wide and 3 cm long pieces of cod.
Onion slices, corn canned to remove moisture.
Add the salad dressing, the...


The chicken hamburger

The chicken breast is cut into pieces and seasoned with garlic, ginger, salt and vinegar.
Scatter the eggs, wrap the...


Seafood and tomatoes

Tomatoes cut into petals, onions cut into silk, garlic cut into ends; washed and dried, soaked in clear water for 30 min...


The Strange Fruit Shrimp Salad

Wash the shrimp seeds, guts, and shells, and cook them in rolling water.
Mix and cool with lemon juice and a moderat...
