Red wine lamb stew

Wash the lamb stew, mix it with red wine, 1/2 cup of minced meat, 1 teaspoon of minced meat, 1 teaspoon of minced meat, ...


The Strange Fruit Shrimp Salad

Wash the shrimp seeds, guts, and shells, and cook them in rolling water.
Mix and cool with lemon juice and a moderat...


Thai seafood salad

The shrimp is washed and opened; the fresh shellfish is opened; the fresh cod is washed and eaten with a knife, the cod ...


Sweet sauce roasted with black pepper and asparagus

Spare parts for bone cleaning
Add the column sauce, the bone sauce, the raw extract, the sugar, the salt, the season...


Blueberry sauce toasted Australian goat legs

Take the Australian goat leg out of the refrigerator freezer and then move it to the refrigerator freezer for natural th...


Cream of wheat

I've never understood how the supermarket's frozen milk is made, and at home, whether it's milk powder, milk, or condensed milk, it doesn't have that smell and delicate flavor!Today I have some cream left at home, the weather is hot, I don't want to make bread, I want to make some noodles, the noodles with cream still smell a little milky, and they are more delicate than not!...


Secretly made red intestine pizza

Eating barbecue in the evening, I made my own barbecue sauce, and suddenly I wanted to use it to make pizza, and I found it super delicious!Since the pizza I cut in the kitchen, you can't see the silk in the photo, but it's actually a bite that pulls out a lot of silk!...


Bacon and corn pizza

This pizza, although it doesn't look very good (after all, the cashier's hand is not a day or two old), is really good to eat.The ingredients are simple and easy to make....


Fresh meat and vegetables

These days are really cold, maybe because I'm relaxing, but I'm a little uncomfortable, the night before it snowed, yesterday it was sunny and I saw the long-awaited sunshine, but I didn't have any emotions, I didn't cook, so I went to the restaurant, I saw spinach, it was green and very lively, I also seemed to see the coming spring, I was full of expectations for a warm and beautiful spring... On the last day of 2012, I didn't do anything, I made a bowl of the most unusual spinach, hopefully this ordinary can war...


Fresh meat willow.

This is yesterday's lunch, packed with more than a kilo of meat.They say it's good to eat, but it's not good to eat, so it must be a lot.It's one of the reasons why I don't get tired of eating it.This was supposed to be for breakfast on the second morning, so I peeled it the first night and put it in the fridge.(What to eat for breakfast, I usually prepare it the first night.)As a result, on the second day, it rained so hard that I didn't want to go out to buy meat, so I changed it to lunch.(It's been so long since...
