Roasted beef

When Chinese pork meets Western bread, what kind of gastronomic spark does it create? Today we're going to give them a try.I made a new pork chops today, to make a pork chops bag, I deliberately put the pork chops very soft, mixed with onions, and with a little fork sauce to make the filling, when the filling is wrapped in bread dough, after baking, the taste is really great! I ate two in one breath! ...


Black pepper and chicken legs

Love to eat bread and love to eat meat, of course you can combine, a black pepper chicken leg meal pack, not only bread leather soft and tasty, but also fragrant chicken leg meat wrapped in it, just out of the oven tastes best, combined with a cup of black tea, is a full of surprise and full of energy afternoon tea, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, just need such a fragrant nose bread to satisfy your taste buds ...


A small meal package

I've been making bread lately, and I can't wait to make two loaves of bread, so if you like it, you can try it....


Meat and baby meat

My baby is at the stage of adding meat to her diet, in order to make her eat healthy, avoid letting her eat foods that contain pigments, preservatives and additives!...


Baked bread

Every time I go to the bakery, my son always buys it, or he makes it himself....


Lucky spinach bread

It's an original bread, it's a recipe I wrote myself, it's a salty bread, it tastes a little bit like rice.It's especially soft when it's hot.Have a good meal. ...


The baker's super large coconut ham bread

After stirring for five minutes, add the yeast to the dough, add the butter to the dough, and continue stirring.
At ...


Brewing tofu

There's a story behind every dish, I remember when I didn't buy an oven, my mother used to make me fried tofu, fried on both sides with a thin layer of crispy skin, now with an oven, I studied fried tofu, although unlike fried tofu with two crispy skins, fried tofu just brings out the fresh taste of tofu, those with an oven can try it....


Osaka baked bread version, good to eat to tears

Bread dough is made according to the general method of making bread, the milk, sugar, salt, eggs, flour, yeast are place...


Pork and beans

Mix the flour with warm water and stir for fifteen minutes.
Five flowers cut into meat foam, add ginger foam, celery...


Stollon bread

The wine can be chosen from brandy, rum, champagne, etc. The fruit can be chosen from cranberries, exotic fruits, figs, ...


Soybean meal toast

Beans are rich in nutrients.It's a pity to throw away.It is often used to make noodles or cakes.Try to make toast this time.I'm satisfied with the finished product.Very soft.The beans have the effect of a liquid.If you like bread, you can try it. ...
