In the middle of the night - ham sidos

It's a very simple and delicious breakfast that babies can eat, and lazy people shouldn't miss it. ...


Milk toast with mouse cheese

My favorite cartoon is Cat and Mouse, which is so simple that it doesn't have a line, but it makes me laugh from beginning to end, and it's delicious every time I watch it again.Tom, the lazy cat who saw his mother's eyes glowing, and Jerry, the mouse who saw his mother's eyes glowing, and Jerry, the mouse who saw his mother's eyes glowing, and Jerry, the mouse who saw his mother's eyes glowing.Last week when I was making bread fermentation and I saw Jerry steal the cheese from the hole, I suddenly thought why don'...


Cheese and walnut ham meal pack

Breakfast is rich in nutrients to have enough energy to sustain the day's work, our family eats bread for breakfast twice a week; even I have time to eat it every day, the bread is very elaborate so I don't get tired.Today, ham slices and walnuts are used to accompany this bread, and nuts can be eaten in addition to the meat; after baking together in the walnut wrap, the bread tastes like walnuts, and the roasted cheese on the surface is even more delicious.I don't get tired of eating bread every day, maybe I've ha...


Sushi salad

It's cold now, I don't like to get up early, I'm not as active, but if there's material, a 10-minute lesson can make a delicious and nutritious breakfast. ...


Delicious toast

On Sunday morning, at eight o'clock, I was awakened by an unknown voice from upstairs, oh... I turned on my phone and looked at the food that the gods had made, oh my God, I was so hungry! I looked and looked and found a very real problem, there was no food in the nest to fill my stomach... I thought of the lazy cook of the daily drama, the first dish of the mistress, the salmon roast toast, there was no salmon toast in the house, so I tried it, sat expectantly in front of the oven, watched the changes inside, ther...


The toast pizza.

Ingredients: toast, cheese, tomato sauce, green beans, corn, carrots (first cooked in boiling water), onions, ham, and s...


Bread with garlic

The butter is heated in the microwave to the temperature of the milk and turned into a liquid.
Bread sliced into sli...


Western-style breakfast

The spinach is boiled and the water is ready.
Carrots, cucumbers cooked as a backup.
Add a little olive oil to t...


Breakfast in the morning

It's a small bread, so I choose the right size for the fruit.
Cut the middle of the bread with a knife
A piece o...


Bacon and shrimp bread

Bacon and shrimp, the taste is delicious, and the smell of milk and cheese is delicious....


Cheese and handmade bread

This bread smells like cheese, love won't let go!...


The meatballs.

It's hard to hold the bread after it's thin, it doesn't have to be rolled up, and the cracking of the surface also affects the sale, eat at home, then come up with a simple alternative.It tastes the same, good....
