Blueberry bread

Today I'm going to talk about blueberry sauce and bread for breakfast, which is a great choice with milk, and I hope you like it....


Turtle meat rolls

The square is from Teacher Meng's 100 loaves of bread, this book helped me a lot in my first year of baking, it's a loaf of bread, I baked two, one side in a three-pot toast box, the other one let it grow freely.Free growth should be padded with a layer of tin paper or set on a smaller fire.Luckily, I got it out in 25 minutes.Be careful with the free-growth method. ...


Ham bread

Put all the materials in the bowl and form a group.
And to the full extent
Fermentation to 2 to 3 times


Apple and jasmine cake

Cut the apple into thin slices in the shape of a crescent moon and cover it with a fresh film for backup.
To prepare...


Oatmeal and strawberry rolls

The house is full of fruit, strawberries and olives, and it's time to destroy them.So I made a butter, fruit, and strawberry cheese roll, and it tasted so fresh that I could eat two of them, and I didn't have to worry about losing weight every day. ...


Fish flower salad bread

Potato slices, steamed for about 15 to 20 minutes until fully cooked.
Remove the potatoes, add a moderate amount of ...


Bacon and cheese toast

Cut all the ingredients.
The rest is cooked in a pan until the onions become transparent and the salt is added as a ...


Sea cucumber bread

It's been cold for almost a week, and today I woke up early and opened the door and there was a heat wave.It's a hot day again, open the weather forecast, today's maximum temperature is 35-36 degrees.I've been thinking about traveling, but I haven't gotten there yet.It's not that I love the scenery, I just want to change the environment and distract myself.Every day at home, I feel like I'm going to collapse.I don't talk much about computers.I only talk to my son a few times a day, and he can't stay at home, he's a...


Tofu and sandwiches

One day I went to the supermarket and saw the shape of this bread, and I came back and learned how to make it....


Butter and cheese bread

The preparation materials, the bread slices are not the same.
Cut the beef into slices, add a little salt, apply to ...


Sugared biscuits

Tomatoes have been itching to make a wedding-themed series of desserts, feeling that desserts and weddings are inseparable.This time, some of the wedding-themed cookies, if they were homemade cookies for the guests at their own wedding, the effect would be different, the guests would praise the bride's skill and talent.If she could have a wedding now, she would have made her own wedding cake and her own gift.It's a dead end, and if you step on it, you'll be attracted by its charm, and you won't believe it, but you ...


Fresh onion cake

These mixtures of ingredients are really unexpectedly delicious, and they're also from the improvements of the chef, and they're delicious, and they're less oily, and they're very healthy....
