This is Dora A Dream Cake.

When Dora the Vampire Slayer comes out in theaters, I'm going to make a cake for the blue fat guy, the little fat guy I always dreamed of as a kid, who loves you so much!...


Blue crystal seaweed

If I hadn't gone to the Maldives, maybe I wouldn't have known all my life that the color of the sea water should be crystal blue, the sea of Dalian has not found a place of blue, my heart is full of regret, make a sea muse, so as to console the wounded heart!...


Peach fruit cake

One eight-inch cake.
The light cream and sugar were sent, the flowers were used, the ten hairs were sent, half of th...


Fresh sea cake

Some say that blue represents melancholy, some say that blue represents openness, some say that blue represents openness... the feeling of not being touched by these is to like that pure blue, like the sea in the impression.The blue sea water, the white shells, the sea breeze blowing in the face, the cake can also have the taste of the sea.The sweetness of the yogurt combined with the sweetness of the cream transforms the taste in the mouth and is a refreshing cake in the summer. ...


Naked cake

It's the baby's birthday, the cake is set outside, don't bother to feed the baby, make her a more reassuring one. ...


Barbie gradually becomes a birthday cake

I've loved Barbie cakes for a long time, and I recently bought a Barbie model.Get ready to go crazy, let's get to the state below. ...


Three minutes to make a naked ham cake

Today I'm going to share with you a nutritious and delicious fruit ham naked cake (actually a round sandwich orz) that's easy to make for breakfast and dinner....


Bread for breakfast

This guy wrote three articles, and he was a little impatient. The first time he wrote the recipe, he was a little nervous. He wrote it wrong, he pressed the exit button, and then he wrote half of it....


Whole wheat sticks + buckwheat jam + fried bacon

Today I made this energy-packed golden breakfast package, a combination of whole-wheat noodles, butter, jam, bacon, milk, corn, and fruit porridge, which I had made the day before, and the next morning I woke up and had it ready.Speaking of sticks, even though it doesn't appeal to most people's eyes and taste buds, I just love the simplicity of it.Not only is it healthy and delicious, but it's also addictive, so you might want to try it for breakfast. ...


The bread is crisp and crispy.

Healthy snacks made from square bags...


Egg toast

My daughter wakes up every morning, she doesn't want to eat until 7:30, she looks like she's going to be late, I'm the fire! Then I found out that if you just give her something fresh or a Q-shaped breakfast, she'll rush to the dinner table.So I set the alarm for 6:30, just to make her happy, to eat, to go to school early!...


Who's daughter?

Dear girl, I hope that your face will always be full of happiness. ...
