Red wine vinegar lemon chicken salad

This salad is brightly colored, beautifully shaped, fresh and refreshing.Because of the addition of red wine vinegar, the taste is sour and sweet, relieving the appetite.After eating, it doesn't add any burden to the body, and the eyebrows that lose weight can grow quickly!...


Potato curry chicken

1. The main ingredient of curry is spicy spices such as turmeric powder, cauliflower, octopus pepper, cauliflower peel, and sesame seeds, which promote the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, increase stomach cramps, and increase appetite. 2. Curry promotes blood circulation for the purpose of sweating. 3. According to the American Association for Cancer Research, curcumin in curry has the function of activating liver cells and inhibiting cancer cells. 4.Folding curry is an essential ingredient in the recipes of...


Black pepper roasted on duck legs

Wash the duck's legs, add sauce and other seasonings and marinate for 24 hours.
The pickled duck leg is air-dried fo...


The chicken pizza in the garden

Some believe that pizza originated in China, and legend has it that the famous Italian traveler of the time, Marco Polo, liked to eat a popular northern onion oil pie while traveling in China.After returning to Italy, he always wanted to taste it again, but it wasn't baked and it was nowhere to be found.One Sunday, he was at a gathering with his friends at home, and one of them was a cook from Naples, Marco Polling, and he called the cook to his side, and he painted a picture of an onion pie from northern China.The...


Cabbage and duck legs

A bowl of duck meat, a thin duck leg, a garnish of golden mushrooms and cabbage, a bowl of soup made from boiling duck legs, and a bowl of such nutritious bread, is really a meal with a warm sign.It takes almost an hour to make a bowl of gingerbread, and it makes you feel like it's worth it......
