Almond bread

All materials in the raw material except butter are mixed until the complete stage, and the transparent film can be pull...


Strawberry cream bread

All materials in the raw material except butter are mixed until the complete stage, and the transparent film can be pull...


Purple peanut butter bread

The raw material, all but the butter, is placed in the packing machine, stirred until smooth, then added to the butter, ...


Cream packed meals

Place material A (5 grams of dry yeast, 130 grams of milk, 1 egg, 1 gram of salt, 1 gram of sugar, 40 grams of sugar) in...


Caterpillar bread

Mix all of material A and add B to a slightly transparent film using the post-oil method.
Cover with a preservative ...


Yellow salad bread

After the corn kernels have dried, the water is wiped dry with a kitchen towel and then mixed with other materials.


Cream of dried grapes

The ingredients, other than butter and raisins, are placed in the baking machine, and after 15 minutes the butter is add...


Light cream dried grape bread

It's a great feeling to make bread, it's a great feeling to make it, it's a great feeling to take pictures.After I cooled it down, I ate more than half of it after I took the picture.I don't usually eat bread, but I love it.The square is 100 handmade loaves of bread from Master Meng.With a little modification, I actually added raisins, in order to get rid of my raisins, I used to eat them with needles, at first I didn't dare to eat them, then I was afraid of my sunshine girl worms, I ate more than worms, now I usua...


Super soft potato bread

The required material (except butter) is weighed and placed in a bowl (or baking machine).
The bread machine starts ...


Fresh cream braided bread

A mixture of all materials except butter.
(Sweet dough process about 30 minutes, first whistle)
Mix into a sligh...


English gingerbread

Machines for packaging materials other than butter.
The amount of water required depends on the moisture absorption ...


The three-color bag.

Except for butter, all the materials are mixed in the baking machine until they are slightly elastic, and butter is adde...
