Blessed Bread

This type of bread is made from Danish bread dough, which is made differently from a thousand layers of ghee.You can make all kinds of gingerbread, it's delicious and it looks good, and my favorite is the gingerbread. ...


A small meal of cranberries

Do chefs have this occupational disease? For a certain period of time, they have a special preference for a certain shape.The olive has been pressed by the chef's hands for a long time.This cranberry snack package is a train meal prepared especially for my husband's trip to the South. ...


Potato-filled toast

With the new baking machine, we're going to try a new feature, we're going to use the cloud menu of the baking machine to make a red bean-filled bread, we're going to use the cloud menu to set up our own bread program, we're going to make bread that we want to eat, we're going to make bread that we want to eat. ...


Packaged meatballs

The breakfast of the holidays made meatloaf bread, plenty of ingredients, lots of meatloaf, smeared with black pepper salad sauce, it tastes very good!...


Corn on the cob breakfast pack

Everyone says that having a child is stupid for three years, and I've had a child for almost eight years, why am I still stupid? One evening I was going to make some bread for breakfast, and I remember that I had bought a bag of whole wheat flour a while ago, and everything was ready, and then I waited for the whole wheat flour, and I looked through all the cupboards of food, and I didn't see any trace of the whole wheat flour, and then I remembered that the last time I was cleaning the cupboard, I found that the f...


Cinnamon rolls

I love the smell of cinnamon powder, and I can't tell you why, but I love its special smell.The bread made with cinnamon powder is also my favorite, today I made this cinnamon roll with cinnamon powder with cinnamon meat, my children don't like the taste of cinnamon powder, so I ate most of it.There's a lot of cinnamon rolls in it, and you can eat the whole piece of fruit, and the cinnamon powder and cinnamon rolls taste very good, and I love it. ...


The pineapple bag

Pineapple bags have always been my favorite, I like the pineapple peel, the softness of the bread, although there is no filling in the bags, (oh, I used to think pineapple bags were wrapped in pineapple)....


Old-fashioned bread

In the last few years, I've been able to make my own bread online, and I've been looking for bread recipes and utensils every day, and I can't wait to buy an oven and all the utensils, and talk to other people about how to make bread, and I've started the process of making bread, and the bread is baked, and I'm very moved, and I've never seen anything like this before....


Bacon and spinach bread

This bread was made at the request of the children, with their favorite bacon, which they all love to eat.Because the child's father is allergic to milk, no milk or milk powder was added to the bread this time, but the taste and flavor were not compromised. ...


Cooked meals

It used to be a very soft and delicious little meal package, that is, a freshly packed bag of cocoa paste was hit by my cut mouth, just squeezed on top, it was fine, as soon as the oven encountered high heat, it gradually opened up, it made people look a little too coarse. But eat well....


Bacon salad bread

Keep making the bacon bread that the kids love to eat, and the kids say, "Mommy, make the bacon a little bigger, eat it!"...


Cranberry sweet bread

15 grams of sugar powder, 25 grams of butter, 25 grams of low-fat flour, 25 grams of milk powder. Gently rub the grains ...
