Banana cake

Bananas are crushed into mud, eggs are scattered.
Add the oil, milk, eggs, and banana paste.
Add the low-fat flo...


Chocolate paper cup cake

Today, I'm going to share with you an extremely simple and delicious cake - a chocolate paper cup cake.The recipe comes from you, this cake doesn't need any protein, it doesn't need any cream, from the beginning to the end, it only takes half an hour, the steps are simple, but the taste is also great!...


Onion cheese and salty cake

There are two chicken proteins in the house, left over after making coffee and ice cream, lying in the corner of the kitchen, quietly stunned.While no one asks, protein rice asks protein yellow: what else do you say we can do? yellow says: it's very useful, you can make angel cake, you can make macaroni.Oh, angel cake, Criss doesn't have an empty heart.As for macaroni, the Criss family doesn't like the taste of too much sweetness.He sighed: "Will Criss forget us, and when we're slowly spoiled, he'll throw us in the...


Cake for my dog girlfriend's fourth birthday

I have two dogs, a six-year-old son and a four-year-old daughter.They are like pets to me, like family.Three years ago, my dog went blind in his left eye, and then I lost two other puppies.Suddenly, they'll leave me at any moment.In order not to have any regrets, I started doing everything I could to be nice to them.I started baking my own cake this year, and I decided to make my own cake for my four-year-old daughter, who is still like a baby dog. ...


The hot Tokyo banana is a banana cake.

4 egg yolks, 30 grams of sugar added until slightly white
The milk and cream are cooked in a pan and slowly poured i...


Banana cake

Gather the necessary ingredients, peel the bananas and knead them with a spoon (choose dark-skinned bananas, which have ...


Candy madeleine

The ingredients and process of making Madeleine are very simple, nothing more than the basic combination of butter, egg flour and sugar.The secret lies in the use of a fan-shaped mold and high-temperature baking, because the mold is shallow around, deep in the middle, so the surrounding dough quickly solidifies, and the addition of BP's dough at this time just has explosive force, can only break through from the middle, thus forming a small belly that protrudes outwards.Madeleine, with her compact, perfect curves, ...


Microwave cupcakes

A nutritious, healthy and fun children's breakfast? A quiet afternoon tea for leisure time? Do you want to make your own snacks but don't want to put a pot pot pot pot pot oven mold? Then this fresh and simple microwave small cake will satisfy you...


The Three Colors of Madeline

Prepare all the ingredients and use a shovel to cut the lemon peel into pieces, add fine sugar, stir and marinate for 1 ...


Chocolate banana cake

First prepare the ingredients, I forgot to put the red beans.
Banana mashed, can have grains
Put the eggs in the...


Banana cake

This cake is very low in fat, uses only a little vegetable oil, and doesn't have a lot of sugar.So this snack is very low in fat, and it's great for weight loss.And the bananas are added to the cake, and the baked cake has a strong aroma.The little ones love it. ...


Low-fat red date cake

On a cold winter's day, hot milk tea and a delicious cake go well together, but the high calories of the cake scare a lot of girls, so today's low-fat red date cake is more suitable for you!...
