A delicious and raw breakfast package

Children come home from school hungry every day, usually they give some dry food at home, sometimes they bake some cakes, sometimes they make some bread, this breakfast package is his favorite to eat, in the morning you can eat it as breakfast, in the afternoon you can eat it as a snack, whether you eat it directly or snack it is just as delicious, add eggs and meat is called hamburger.Reference portion: 18 portions baking time: 16 minutes baking temperature: 180 degrees...


Sandwiches with chickpeas

If you don't do it, you'll do a lot of it.So I used soy sauce to make some soy sauce bags.If you make a shape that kids like, they'll love it even more.This cute, safe, harmless animal has always been a favorite of younger children, so put it in front of your eyes, baby, can you keep your mouth shut?...


Cocoa spiral bread

I like the shape of this spiral-shaped bread, I like the shape of this bread, I like the way it looks in my hand, and I like the bread with the sweet filling, especially my son likes it, I make the cassava sauce more lazy, the careful approach is to first mix the milk, the sugar, the egg yolk, then add the low flour and the cornstarch, the cocoa powder, then add the saltless butter when cooking, and finally cook it until it is thick.I don't like trouble, so a one-time stirring makes the powder and liquid stir evenl...


Hot dog bread

I bought a bread maker a long time ago, and besides making toast, I can also make small bread. ...


Cream soft bread

All materials finished as shown in the figure...


Yogurt and jam packaging

Homemade yogurt, often used to make bread, soft bread with sweet jelly, very tasty ...


Pumpkin bread

Pumpkin slices, microwave for eight minutes, then mashed in the heat.
A portion of sugar, coconut flour and coconut ...


A heart-shaped bag of milk and butter

Milk yellow bag, also known as grandmother's bag, is a very traditional dessert.It's hot, it's white, it's fat, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot.My family loves to bring stuffed bread, so I put it in the oven, put it in the oven, put it in the oven, put it in the oven, put it in the oven, put it in the oven, put it in the oven.When making the bread, a small heart-shaped coat was deliberately added to the bread, representing the strong love for the family, such a heart-shaped milk-yellow ba...


Dried bread rolls of cinnamon blueberries

Cinnamon has a unique smell, some of my friends don't like it because it's thick, but I love the smell of cinnamon.Cinnamon and cinnamon peel are distinguished by their fragrant flavor and cut, cinnamon's fragrance is strongly fragrant and sweet and spicy, its cut has a milky white stripe near the outer layer, while the fragrance of cinnamon peel is different, the fragrance is slightly fragrant and sweet or even slightly pungent and spicy, its cut is intermittent milky white stripe or no cinnamon.There is also a di...


Egg yolk bread

Preparation of materials
Mix the milk, white sugar, and eggs into a mixing bowl and stir evenly.
Add high-streng...


A little bread without grinding your teeth

Let me tell you how this little bread was born: last week, I baked three loaves of bread, it took three nights, and I didn't have time to knead the dough, but I wanted to eat the bread again. Yesterday afternoon, sitting here, I thought, I have to bake the bread in the evening, but I didn't knead the dough....


Chocolate doughnuts

Donuts have always been the favorite, cute, sweet food of little girls.But I didn't think it would be so easy to do, it's really great!...
