French brioche bread

It is said that there are more than 200 different types of bread in France, and Brioche is one of the most common types.In France, bread generally refers to bread made with only water, salt and flour, while in the country we usually eat bread that is more similar to the French Brioche - in addition to flour, water and salt, eggs, butter and many other ingredients are added.You can find it not only in the French breakfast, but also in the dessert of the afternoon tea, with its peculiar delicate, smooth and soft tast...


The cranberry sauce

Scone, also known as the English muffin, derives its name from a stone, the Stone of Scone, which was also the site of the coronation of the Scottish royal family.Its other English name is not so strange, it's called quick bread.Look, how simple, how quick, how simple the name is.This taste comes from the way the butter and flour are mixed - the butter and flour are thoroughly rubbed into coarse granules, while the addition of milk and egg juice increases the moisture, and eating in the mouth is very soft. ...


Low-fat banana cake

Singapore's bananas ripen quickly, and it's nice to wake up this morning to see ripe bananas.So hurry up and get started with a low-fat, healthy snack, and by the way, pack some for your kindergarten teacher!...


Cheesecake from New York

I don't remember when I first tried New York cheesecake, but that's when I got a taste of the New World's flavorful cheese, and the taste of it melting slowly in my mouth on the tip of my tongue was fantastically perfect, even though the light cheesecake was delicious, but to choose one of them, I didn't hesitate to choose the cheesecake....


Pumpkin paper cup cake

It's been a long time since I've made a dessert, but recently a friend of mine said that he wanted to make a pumpkin cake, so I played it today, and I didn't think it would taste good....


Banana dishes

Bananas are high in nutrients, low in calories, contain phosphorus, known as the salt of wisdom, and are rich in protein, glucose, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. They are also high in dietary fiber, making them quite a nutritious food.An energy drink made by a fat man with banana-flavored ingredients to give energy to his beloved wife. ...


Oreo cheese cake

"Have you ever eaten cornflakes, and it's great to eat the oily crumbs in them? Today the tomatoes made a cheese cake out of the oily crumbs, and the soft cheese cake in the middle just turned into a giant cheese pie."However, this time the filling can no longer be licked and solved... it needs to be eaten one bite at a time... whether it's food (with afternoon tea, dig with a small spoon, keep your mouth shut, remember to cover your mouth), or martial arts (directly peel off, bite off, leave teeth marks, mouth cor...


South Africa

First break the eggs, then put them in white sugar, milk them evenly.
Add corn oil and pumpkin paste.
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Rainbow frozen cheese cake

I remember the first time I saw a picture of a rainbow cake online, and I fell in love with the color...I didn't know how to make cakes back then.Although I bought an oven later, the tools became more and more complete, the baking knowledge became more and more, but making rainbows was still a dream, because the baking time was very long, the small household oven could only bake one color at a time, it was too complicated to make rainbows...And then I found out that there was a shortcut to go, and it was this round...


Banana toast rolls

It's not just a variety of ingredients that come together, it's also rich in flavor.And it's especially suitable for kids who have a short breakfast or people who go to work, and eating a piece of it is like eating a whole bunch of fruit noodles and eggs.It tastes good too!...


Microwave cake

I've hardly ever done baking, but it's very simple to make a cake with microwave cake powder, an egg, a bag of microwave cake powder, a bowl that can be heated in the microwave, and in a minute you can make a cake with a variety of flavors, and it's cheap, it's real, it's safe to eat, and you can interact with your child, enhance your child's hand skills, feel the happiness of growing up, feel the joy of family life. ...


Red candy cake

Red dates and red sugar are very good foods, they have many benefits, especially for female friends, red dates and red sugar are very good nourishment and beauty products.It is said that three dates a day, youth never grows old.This sentence is enough to illustrate the powerful health benefits of red dates.Red dates can be used to make soup and cook porridge, so do you know how it can also be eaten? Below, rice pudding is served with a super delicious red sugar date paste cake, the finished product is rich in flavo...
