Banana soft cake

Bananas are crushed into mud.
Heated to a boil.
Stir continuously during heating, turning the fire small.


Baby Calcium Hands - Cheese toothpaste

Today I'm going to recommend this cookie, the main character is cream cheese, the calcium content is very high, and the butter content is very low, it's better to give it to babies as a side dish, but add salt, eat it with a salty flavor, if you like sweet, you need to add sugar to the taste of the drink, otherwise it will steal the taste of the cookie, slowly chew it to eat its flavor...


The baby's little head

It's a snack that's been around since the '80s, and it's been around for years.Two days later, I'm going to Phuket to play, the baby is too small, it's not convenient to take it with you, on the day I received my mom's baking powder, I made a small piece of cake, the process of rubbing the small round balls was crazy, it took a lot of patience.Hopefully she won't be around the baby, and she'll be able to eat the little snacks she's made for her. ...


Butter and cookies

Butter 130 g softened, electric egg batter gently stirred 5 seconds stop
Add 50 g of sugar, stir the stick gently an...


Flower bunny cookies

It's simple, it's cute, and I'm sure you'll love it!...


Sweet biscuits

The four simplest ingredients, the taste really amazed me once, like peach butter, gray almond butter (recipe from your teacher, thank you very much)...


Margaret's little cookie

This cookie is super thick, the entrance is instant, I personally love this cookie, the butter I chose for this cookie is Deca butter.The biscuits made with this butter taste delicious! Everyone should pay attention to the butter when making this biscuit, in fact this biscuit is very simple to make, there is nothing special to pay attention to.If you also like to eat biscuits, then learn with me!...


Baby calcium snacks - cheese flower cookies

The butter is softened, the sugar is added, the egg whites are added, the cheese is added (please forgive me for forgett...


Chocolate and margarita cookies

The butter is softened by insulating water (do not melt), and the sugar is added.
Add the egg yolk and continue cook...


Coffee and biscuits

One day, I suddenly found a bag of berries that I had left over from New Year's Eve, so I made some changes to the recipe of my idol @Ajin, reduced the amount of oil (originally 160 grams), and made this little biscuit....


The cranberry cookie

All materials are ready for use.
The butter has to soften in advance, in winter I usually take it out one night in a...


Peanut butter and cookies

Peanuts are baked in the oven, then the red skin is removed, then crushed in the cooking machine, do not stir too much, ...
