Margaret's little cookie

This is an entry-level cookie that doesn't need a mold and is simple to make.It's not going to fail.The main purpose of doing this is actually to cook a lot of eggs in the gym, but to eat all the protein at once, the egg yolk should not be eaten too much in a day.So make some cookies.I forgot to take a picture in the first few steps, but it's pretty simple.Overall, this cookie is a little dry, but it tastes good. ...


Blueberry Scones

For me, a baking idiot, scones are relatively simple and handy....


Biscotti coffee biscuits with raspberry nuts

Biscotti, also known as coffee biscuits, differ from ordinary biscuits in that the dough is shaped into strips and then baked first, then sliced into slices and baked second, baked into crispy hard biscuits.This recipe adds butter to make the biscuits crispy, unlike traditional biscuits that are as hard as stone.This cookie is perfect for beginners, it doesn't require any kneading, it doesn't require any protein, and it's a crunchy cookie that can be made easily and easily. ...


Oatmeal cookies

The butter, the oil, the white sugar, the red sugar, the eggs are stirred evenly.
Add the flour, baking soda, salt, ...


Potato and sesame seeds

It's a shame for me to waste it, especially such healthy food, haha ⁇ So I'm thinking about what I'm going to do with it, and I'm thinking about how simple and delicious it is.So I thought I'd try making a sesame stick, which should be simple.So I randomly made this sweet potato and sesame.But I put a lot of mashed potatoes in it, and the dough was too soft, and maybe the dough was a little thick, and it wasn't as crisp as I thought it would be.It's a little crispy on the outside and a little soft on the inside, b...


Nuts and pumpkins

Look at the quality of the walnuts.
Preparing the necessary materials
Walnut shredded spare
All the material...


Cheese and onion cookies

It's very tasty, but it's really good to eat....


One by one, honeydew and oatmeal cookies for my mother.

Olive oil, red sugar, eggs mix evenly until the red sugar is all melted
Red sugar all melted
Add chopped dates a...


One microwave cookie a minute

Mix the banana flour and then add the ingredients of your choice, preferably the same, don't mix.
The raw dough is m...


Coffee and chocolate oatmeal cookies

Coffee, chocolate, oatmeal are my favorite things to eat, and it's not so sweet with honey, and it doesn't make you fat! This cookie doesn't have milk and eggs, and it lasts longer at normal temperatures!...


Cheese and onion cookies

Don't look at me, I don't sell very well, but it's very tasty. Oh, I can't stop eating it. I've tried it twice before with my boss's little oven.A long time ago, I used to like to buy an onion biscuit, and I thought it was delicious, so I made my favorite cheese that tasted like onion, and it was hard for my fat classmates to say it was delicious.The little boy came home, took a bite of the cookie, and it was all over the floor on his clothes. After a while, he suddenly asked, "Where's the cookie?"^_^...


Whole grain chocolate waffle biscuits with banana almonds

Chocolate waffles? Biscuits? Whole grains? What do you think is a strange combination?It's just a little trick I came up with to consume the chocolate and green bean powder at home.Generally speaking, American waffles are soft and soft, and classic Belgian waffles are just crispy on the surface, and this time I really wanted to make a waffle cookie, so after researching the tips, I combined my own idea of using chocolate and green bean powder, as well as excess sugar...In short, the square at the bottom is such a m...
