One by one, honeydew and oatmeal cookies for my mother.

Olive oil, red sugar, eggs mix evenly until the red sugar is all melted
Red sugar all melted
Add chopped dates a...


Black sesame seed biscuits

For health reasons, and to clean up the leftover food in the house, I made cereal cookies....


Oatmeal biscuits

Always wanting to innovate, also to clean up the leftovers at home...


Coffee and chocolate oatmeal cookies

Coffee, chocolate, oatmeal are my favorite things to eat, and it's not so sweet with honey, and it doesn't make you fat! This cookie doesn't have milk and eggs, and it lasts longer at normal temperatures!...


Safe and unadded cottage fries

Yesterday, our local evening newspaper covered the dangers of trans-fatty acids to the human body, and as far as I know, the best pastry shops and bakeries use artificial cream, because natural cream is expensive, difficult to shape, difficult to preserve, several characteristics make these merchants replace it with artificial cream, and artificial cream is sweeter and more appealing to consumers than natural cream.I haven't bought snack pastries or anything like that since I learned how to make West Point, and I'v...


Cinnamon cookies

Slightly adjusted sugar-oil ratio...


Salted oatmeal biscuits

I was inspired by the salty biscuits that Rose made, and I made a salty biscuit for my dad, which saved him from starving and eating high blood sugar.Although I bought moisturizer and used it to make food, but I heard that it's not good to eat too much moisturizer, so it's better not to add sugar, it's not good to make salty cookies, but it's not suitable for high blood pressure.The effect of this cookie crisp I made this time was not good, that is, I again made a mess of the old habit, did not operate according to...


Olive oil cheese finger cake - another little heart to go with the World Cup

The low-fat flour and sugar powder are sifted together into a large bowl, poured into milk thistle olive oil, and mixed ...


Butter-free version of the full-bodied biscuit

It is said that there is a lot of butter for bread and biscuits, but there is none at home, and the first time I made biscuits, it worked well.Because you can't cook so much at once, you make it thin and medium thick, it tastes completely different.There was no flour in the house, this time it was made from whole wheat flour, which was rough, but healthy. ...


This is the first time I've seen it.

It's the harvest season, don't eat the dyes, make a beautiful sandwich and taste it....



A dish learned on family day, suitable for supplementing nutrition after an hour of exercise, or as a nutritious breakfast...


Low-fat, low-sugar is healthier - mashed almond butterfly crackers

Full of the bitter aroma of matcha and almond-scented biscuits, the low-fat, low-fat taste is fresher....
