Creativity, new concepts and bread

Add white sugar, salt, yeast and water to the flour and dough to the expansion stage;
Clean the oranges and scrape o...


Golden bread

Carrot juice, from 130 grams;
Imported oranges (not waxed), washed with salt and scraped off the surface skin;


Rough bread

First, prepare 80 grams of raw oatmeal.
Prepare 200 grams of rye
Soak the oatmeal in 150 grams of water for 30 m...


Whole wheat bread and dried bread

Put the flour, yeast, sugar, salt and eggs (two added later) in the wrapping machine.
Pour directly into 40 grams of...


Homemade bread

Flour, milk, eggs, milk, yeast, white sugar, stir and refrigerate for 24 hours.
Remove and add 150 grams of flour, 5...


Ham bread

It tastes a little nostalgic, like the hot dogs I ate in high school.More than twenty years ago, I had forgotten something and was picked up by my family's children.Now it's back in the supermarket, it's called gold bars. ...


Italian bread forkacha

Super healthy, super simple, and super delicious salted bread...


Wheat bread

Eating more wheat is good for your health, make buckwheat bread today!...


Food packages

This is breakfast for the family, for those who love the kitchen, these kitchen utensils are our toys.We make it while playing in our beloved kitchen, and we give it to ourselves and our families in a fresh and fun way.Sometimes I play noodles with the cows, and he's always very careful to DIY, and when he tastes it, he thinks it tastes better. ...


Chocolate and jelly bean sauce

In the cold, cold winter, homemade, freshly baked hot bread must be more attractive than the cold, icy bread in the bakery. In fact, it is quite simple to make your own bread at home. ...


Cow horn bread

Bread and dough fermented with a bread machine!
After fermentation, the dough is made into a triangular skin, from t...


Esowash spiced bread

This is a French blue-belt bread recipe, and it used to make three 270 gram loaves of bread, and I converted it into one, and I used a three-carat gold toaster to bake exactly one loaf.The ingredients of the fermentation dough are: 250 grams of high starch powder, 160 ml of water, 2.5 grams of dry yeast, 4.5 grams of salt, take the ingredients and smooth dough (salt and yeast do not come into direct contact), put in the pot for fermentation for more than 4 hours (or after 1-2 hours of fermentation put in the refrig...
