Oatmeal crackers

Speaking of this cookie, it's originally from Teacher Yang Meng's 100 cookies, but I changed it.The original was used after melting 50 grams of butter, so I skipped the melting step and used the oil directly, without the yellow sugar I used the white sugar directly, the original 50 grams of sugar was replaced by 40 grams, and if I like it sweet I added 50 grams.The biscuits are crispy after baking, and it's not surprising that people don't like the taste of oatmeal.If you like crackers, you can try them. ...


Beef and vegetable dog biscuits

Our dog loves to eat dog biscuits from the pet store, but a pack of a dozen or so costs tens of dollars, and it's painful to buy, and there are so many food additives, it hurts my dog's body even more.So I made this cookie.This cookie is the one I saw in the bar.Slightly changed...


Banana and oatmeal cookies

Comrades who have kitchen cells between the four basic soft biscuits, please replace the ingredients inside....


Healthy oatmeal

Walnuts and black sesame seeds are baked separately in the oven for 2-3 minutes without baking.
Add oatmeal, eggs, b...


Red sugar oatmeal cookies

There's a big can of oatmeal at home, and it tastes a little boring when you eat it for breakfast.Find a way to get rid of some of them today. ...


Peanut butter and oatmeal cookies

Eggs in a container with red sugar
Added peanut butter
Stir evenly
Add a little yeast and stir evenly.


Nutritious oatmeal cookies are especially nutritious

Looking at your cookie recipe, there's no snacks in the house, and you're just starting to do it, and you have unexpected results....


Oatmeal cookies

Butter dissolved, mixed with honey.
Low-fat flour is mixed with other ingredients and then mixed into a paste.


One by one, honeydew and oatmeal cookies for my mother.

Olive oil, red sugar, eggs mix evenly until the red sugar is all melted
Red sugar all melted
Add chopped dates a...


Oatmeal biscuits

Always wanting to innovate, also to clean up the leftovers at home...


Oatmeal cake

The recipe comes from baking P25 at home, there's no time to bake, try making an oatmeal cake!...


One microwave cookie a minute

Mix the banana flour and then add the ingredients of your choice, preferably the same, don't mix.
The raw dough is m...
