Red date and oatmeal cookies

Red dates replenish blood and beauty....


High fiber oatmeal cookies

This cookie doesn't need that many complicated steps, it just mixes all the ingredients.
You don't need to add a dro...


Weight loss snacks and banana and nut pancakes

Recently, my sister bought a box of oatmeal at a nearby dessert store, and she was happy to tell me how healthy it is, and it's a coarse grain. Oh, as soon as I saw the label on it, except for a little oatmeal, it's all wheat flour, how can it be called a real oatmeal?...


Chocolate oatmeal cookies

Dark chocolate melted into a smooth solution, butter softened reserve, flour screened reserve
All the ingredients ar...


Ground squirrel cocoa biscuits

In order to consume the excess oatmeal, I made this ground squirrel cookie.The dirt rat is the finger cake, the five senses are the chocolate, the dirt pile is the oatmeal chocolate biscuit... ...


Whole wheat flour and dates

Mix your favorite ingredients, whole wheat flour is not sticky, and add a little high starch flour
The dough is bake...


Reduced fat required for whole wheat fruit crackers

It's a workout....


Red sugar oatmeal

Red sugar and milk, cooked on a small fire
Add the softened butter.
Add the mixed low-powder and bubble powder a...


Oatmeal energy bars

Peanut seeds on top of oatmeal
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 7 to 8 minutes.
Mixed with red sugar,...


Sweet red oatmeal cake

I wanted to lose weight, but I couldn't help but want to eat biscuits, so I thought about adding wheat flour to the biscuits, both to relieve hunger, and not to worry that eating too much would make me fat....


Red sugar oatmeal biscuits

Red sugar added to hot water.
Melted copper
Add corn oil, stir, mix evenly.
Add low-fat flour and baking sod...


Oatmeal cookies

Full of material
Put the corn oil in a clean bowl
Mix the oil and put it in the red sugar.
Add the eggs and ...
