Bacon and cheese flatbread

Flat bread is very similar to our rolls, and is also made from a mixture of flour, water and salt, sometimes with the addition of a blowing agent.Originating in ancient Egypt and Sumer, flat bread has different versions around the world, such as mixed with pepper powder, curry powder, cornstarch, olive oil, etc.This time the square is fermented with the addition of yeast, and the bread is very soft and easy to chew.Soft bread paired with scented cheese and bacon is definitely a great choice for an energy breakfast ...


Italian pizza

Italian pizza is very simple, you can do it at home, this recipe is for two small pizzas, this time it's coarse, the next time you have a chance to make the whole thing beautiful, haha...


The pizza.

I like to eat a dough-fermented pizza with a soft, thick side and a crispy bottom. What do you say? What do you hate most about pizza? What if it's as soft and fragrant as freshly baked bread?...


The pizza.

All the ingredients for making the dough are mixed into a dough, mixed until the expansion stage can be stretched out in...
