Buttercup bags

The way to make the dough is to refer to my previous pizza recipe, add a little bit, and add an egg to the dough.


Soy sauce and sesame doughnuts

The doughnuts are the kids' favorite -- and the pancakes, the first time I made them, they tasted good, it took me half a day to try their patience!...


Cocoa beans bread



The crispy outside, the sweet inside

A jam filling made with mangoes and pineapples is added to the base of the traditional French small bread.One bite, one click, the surface of the bread is very crisp, the sweet filling immediately flows out, the sour-sweet jam and the slightly salty of the bread harmonize with each other, it's a simple, tasty little bread....


Red bean sandwiches

Add the high-quality flour, low-quality flour, fine sugar, salt, milk powder, and eggs, and mix them evenly in the dough...


The Year of the Sheep and the New Spring

What, what, what, the gentle and lovely lamb has come~ This year's New Year is the year of the sheep, and the year of the sheep has really confused foreigners, and they still don't understand it.For us, no matter what kind of sheep it is, this New Year is the most important time for us to celebrate the New Year together as a family, to celebrate the New Year together as a family, to celebrate the New Year together as a family.No matter how far away from home, people will want to go home to spend the New Year, to sp...


Black sesame seeds

It's a good day, starting with breakfast, black sesame packaged with black gallon filling....


Marble quick bread

The rapid fermentation method of producing bread has always been disliked by bakers, the bread made by the rapid fermentation method is relatively lacking the desired aroma, the shelf life is short, it is easy to age, and it is difficult to be considered an orthodox good bread.Especially in Europe, where bread is a staple food, it is considered that fast bread lacks the aroma of natural fermentation and does not like it!It's not as light as a cake, and it's not as tough as bread.But it's simple, it saves time, and ...


Tomato butter and fruit sticks on French long bread

First, cut the fruit in half and prepare the garlic.
Heat the pan with garlic, scent it, pour it into the holy fruit...


Cream bread

Add the high-quality flour, the fine sugar, the salt, the egg yolk, the dry yeast, the light cream, and the milk, and mi...


Cinnamon bread

This bread is suitable for people who like sweets, because butter, honey and cream can be boring to eat, but it's really good! I forgot to take pictures of the process, I wanted to share the recipe first, add the photos next time!...


Dates and flowers

The first time I made this kind of bread, it was flat and soft, the flowers were twisting hard, the result was that the dates were not filled well, they stayed inside, ha ha, most of the day was not successful, my husband left work, I said you look at how I made the bread today, he opened the refrigerator door, saw a big package of flowery bread, and spoke out. ...
