Embryo of the sesame hamburger

I've been making my own hamburgers ever since McDonald's and KFC and other fast food outlets started using expired meat, and today I'm going to make a grilled chicken leg hamburger, but let's make a hamburger embryo first, and if it works, the hamburger works!...


Blessed Bread

This type of bread is made from Danish bread dough, which is made differently from a thousand layers of ghee.You can make all kinds of gingerbread, it's delicious and it looks good, and my favorite is the gingerbread. ...


Sweets and snacks

I recently got a bag of baking powder to try, but I've been lazy, I don't want to do it, during the holidays, I'm playing at home, I'm playing with the dough, this time I learned how to make a grid bread, the beautiful pattern makes you want to eat at a glance, make breakfast it's definitely a top drop, if you like it, do it a little, it's not difficult. ...


The two-colored biscuit circle

This is a biscuit that you can't help but want to bake, strung together like a very European-American vintage necklace, super beautiful! This two-color biscuit circle is absolutely excellent as a must-have dessert, very easy and simple to make, hurry up and try it!...


Sesame and cinnamon rolls

Although I don't know much about the medicinal value of cinnamon, I usually use it in cooking, but today I'm going to take a closer look at the role of cinnamon: cinnamon is a Chinese medicine, has a high medicinal value, and has been widely used for years to treat and alleviate many diseases.It is the dried bark of a cinnamon plant of the family Fabaceae, common in southern China.Due to its high medicinal value, it was later included in the Chinese Medicine Code and used by generations of practitioners.Cinnamon ha...


Old-fashioned bread

In the last few years, I've been able to make my own bread online, and I've been looking for bread recipes and utensils every day, and I can't wait to buy an oven and all the utensils, and talk to other people about how to make bread, and I've started the process of making bread, and the bread is baked, and I'm very moved, and I've never seen anything like this before....


My wife's cake.

Coconut flour: Coconut flour milk powder white sugar butter egg solution mixed evenly for backup
Watercress: 250 gra...


Snail bread

This little snail bread is also a reference to Sister Liberty's square, 50 grams of low-fat flour I replaced with 50 grams of medium-fat flour.Because the small part of the snail's house is too tightly rolled, the dough is squeezed out, resulting in the small snail's house being tower-shaped, the top part is more prominent, naturally the first color, so the finished color is not uniform.The custard is temporarily thawed, squeezed unevenly, squeezed too much, and in short, there are several flaws in this small bread...


Mini bowel packs

Last week, there was a barbecue in Tian's class, and I made some bread for the kids to eat, and I thought the kids liked ham, so I bought some ham and put it in the bread. ...


A small meal pack of purple dates

This is a baking class to learn how to use sugar.Today I made dates and purple potatoes with white sugar, I wanted to make flowery bread, but I was lazy after I had a good haircut, I didn't want to be styled, so I made this little meal that didn't have to be styled, it's just as good to eat, it's not styled. ...


Bread for the Feet

It's a simple ingredient, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute, it's cute....


Salted egg yolk sandwiches

I saw some salted egg yolk in the fridge, so I took it out and ate it, but this time I didn't cook it, I made bread with it.It's delicious, but it's also very simple and convenient, it's more suitable for people who are a little lazy and love to eat.This bread is also white sugar used in the dough, and the soy sauce filling inside is soy sauce fried with red sugar. ...
