Red bean bread

The dough is then mixed with oil until it expands.
Fermented at room temperature up to 2.5 times.
After rolling ...


Castor caterpillar bread

I love the castor oil, I love the bread, and the soft bread is great. ...


Sea bread

DIY bread at home, not only healthy and nutritious, but you can add whatever you want to eat, every day in a different size, every day in a good mood.The unique taste of seaweed, which I have always loved, is used to make bread, and bread is delicious to eat. ...


Soup and beans

The bread barrel is placed in the egg juice, the milk, the beans, and the soup.
Put sugar and salt in the opposite c...


The sweetness of the pumpkin bread harvest season

Peel and slice the pumpkin;
Put it in a steamer and steam it separately;
Squeeze the excess water with a spoon, ...


Three blessings

Mix all the ingredients of the dough until the dough is smoothly expanded, immediately knead into large slices, put in t...


Red sugar date bread

Open the bread maker, put the water, the eggs, the sugar, the oil, the salt, the milk, the flour.
Make a hole in the...


Onion bread cake

This onion bread cake is simple to make, there is no need to make up, the smell of onions comes when baking, although it looks like the appearance of the cake, but the taste is the same as the bread, plus the mixed smell of onions and sesame, I recommend that everyone who is interested must try it, you will never regret it...


Praise be to God

Mix all the ingredients of the dough until the dough is smoothly expanded, immediately knead into large slices, put in t...


Ham and cheese bread

When I got my hands on it, I kept flipping through it, and this one, which is the most attractive to my kid, he prefers cheese bread, and he says there's a treasure, and then he takes turns to make it, and it teaches me how to do it, and since the kid likes it, what's the reason I don't start? ...


Castor bread

The soft, soft castor sauce is actually the kind of sauce that's in the cashews, and it's very good to eat.The main ingredient is to make cardboard.Ingredients are the raw materials used to make bread.One dough is 36 to 45 grams, which makes 5 to 6 doughnuts. ...


Purple bread rolls

Pour powdered sugar, yeast, and milk powder into the stirring bucket, stirring evenly.
Salt and eggs (one) in the mi...
