Carrot and coconut bread

Eating healthy is already our philosophy of life, so any food we can add to make it harmonious, healthy, taste better, ingredients.I've always packed vegetables, like the carrots I used this time.The carrot itself is brightly colored, has a sweet taste, and is a very good choice for cooking. The finished product does not have a hint of flavor, it is better to bake the taste of the main ingredient, but the color is brilliant.This time I made carrot and coconut bread, and it was delicious......


Central Hokkaido

People who love baking love all kinds of molds.I'm no exception, even though I have a lot of toast molds at home, I'm willing to try different brands of molds, different brands, different baking times, different temperatures.The finished product is also slightly different.Today I tried the new model of the apprentice cook, and I thought I'd make this 100% Chinese milk Hokkaido.The apprentice cook's mold conducts heat faster than other molds, so my temperature dropped slightly by ten degrees.The time has also increa...


Milk and cheese

The butter is softened, the milk powder is added, the sugar is added until the color turns white, the volume increases, ...


Flower sandwiches

Put the material other than the butter in the container and start kneading.
Rub the surface smoothly and put small p...


Sesame bread sticks

The bread stick is full of sesame seeds, and the food is full of sesame seeds, and it's made into a long, thin piece, and it's very convenient to eat with sesame seeds in the autumn.The following portion can be used to make about 17 loaves of bread. ...


Old bread

Mix all the ingredients of the dough into a clump, cover with a wet towel, and set the dough to double the size (the dou...


Egg and bean bread

Put the ingredients from pure milk to yeast powder in the packaging machine in order, choose the dough function, and rem...


Cranberry toast

I like cranberries, sour, sweet and sour, I can't stop eating them, I put a little bit in when I make toast, it absorbs moisture and is better to eat. ...


Old Lemon Caterpillar Bread (filled with soy sauce)

Caterpillar bread, which I made when I first learned how to make bread.I remember when I first learned how to make bread, I always loved to change the recipe, trying different styles one by one.Today, I'm a master craftsman, but I love to stick to the simplest but tasty recipe, to make the simplest round bread.Maybe it's the nine-nine-one, maybe it's the simplicity that's the most artistic.This time it's for the kids. ...


Kawasaki cake

Kawasaki cake, very elastic, the toast in the cake, the slices can be made into cake sandwiches...


Thousand layers of bread

Go on, my carrot bread.The color of bread with carrot paste is always cheerful, delicious and eye-catching.This time I made it in a thousand layers, with a layer of salt and butter, the bread is soft, the layers are spicy, it's absolutely attractive. ...


Cocoa balls and bread

A spherical loaf of bread wrapped in cocoa flavored with raw flavor from the head of yeast. ...
